Thursday, December 1, 2011

- 29 November 2011 Tuesday

Today, Office not so busy ..
In the office, Dad suddenly ask me where dragonzai.. he didnt find me already?
I was so shock that he ask me this question so sudden...
So that i reply him said he's going to kl with family ...
Dad seem not believe and ask me again the same question he didnt find me now ady?
So i had no idea and lie to dad said ... so far we still going out yum cha but mostly after my qi gong class loh .. just outing for supper like that ...
Then dad look like so so... not really believe on me ....

I went out lunch with dad ...
On the way going lunch, i saw dragonzai and his mom i guess ... at the U turn in front of Che Tom there... So i told dad here is dragonzai's car...
and dad say... call them join us lunch =.='' SO SWEAT ~~
Saw Yong Yee with his dad before we leaving ...
Having lunch, dad ask me the one name matthew what owe me money, have i take back ady or not..
and ask me why dont i go get from his mom and so on ....

Then dad ask me, that day he heard Yong Yee called me Tiger, he wonder who Tiger actually ..
So now dad know my nick jor... 4 years i had using this year and finally today dad know my secret lolx...

Around evening , dad phone me said that one of my friend's mother pass away..
She commit suicide at Penang bridge...
Her car found at Penang bridge without anyone until the next day of early morning...

Tonight im so bad luck...
around 11pm++ im on the way going back home by using bypass there...
There's road construction and my tyre pancat =.=''
my phone left 8% battery .... OMFG..
Using iphone apps to switch on the light and change tyre myself ...
Lucky i bring my laptop so i can charge my phone for awhile..
It's was so dark over there ...
15mins later, done.... by that moment... my phone shut down .. out of battery ... =w=


day 29

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