Wednesday, August 29, 2012

- 18th August 2012 Saturday

18th August 2012 Saturday

holiday ... hari raya... 
sleep late late ^^ sleep until 3pm++ only wake up..
and my phone full of miss call and sms .. 
call back 1 by 1 ... guan lai every1 looking me to hang out together and movie.. 
aiya, i missed it ... 

nvm lur.. continue nua bed, then go out eat something with nell ..
bt didnt eat much ar..
coz want to keep stomach for tonight.. 
my cousin date me for dinner ...
he complain that want to have appointment with me... need book few weeks or months before..
weee..... i seem like a boss.. 
got people fetch me... 
went to kawazu japanese restaurant ... 
order quite many food .. 

we talked about our future, teaching him how to chase girl 
( he's too good and dono how to get girl yet ) 
so this job sure is me this bad n notty cousin teach him la.. 
hehehe ^^ 
then listen to him about his working life... stress on work thing ..bla bla...
after awhile john called me ... 
he asked got futsal boh ? wait until 8.45pm liao.. 
boh lang come ..

i O.O !! so he came here to meet me up and give me back my camera ..
and he gave me a plastic bag.. o.o?? souvenior from combonia .. 
walao... i shock... got sim got sim ... 
then he jiu cabut go yum cha wif frd edi... 

my cousin say this frd seem good also wor..
go overseas aso buy thing for me .. 
i also @@ blur blur .. but really thanksful lo .. unexpected de thing hehe... 
then me n cousin discuss going whr walk walk later..
cincai say penang eat 2nd round lo.. he on ..
i stunned there and ask again.. u sure? 
yea pretty sure.. he replyed me .. 

erm.... but we both quite full..
and he said wan bring me go sell ^^ 
so he throw me go back my house take my phone charger..
then getting of of sp tol ...
orzzzzzzzzz O.O'' 

he bring me along until kulim .... 
and use old road from there .. 
pass by kuala ketil .... back to sp... 
wow... nice swim car river ... 
and some more can enjoy fire cracker there... 
really have a nice day with him .... and also thanks for the dinner ^^ ( i makan free ) 

20th August 2012 Monday

swimming lo ...
swiss inn ... we coming .. 
going to swimming with fkling and clez.. 
teach clez correct his swimming style..
a small mistake ... and teach fkling how to swim also..
then i say... 你们也有今天了,叫我 ketua  吧。。 
hehe... they say me back i wont 得逞 long long de.. 

after swim, go to eat dim sum ...
dim sum near legenda height .. 
yue bing lou if not mistaken .. 
hungry ar... 
eat a lot ... my har kao ... makan byk byk ... 
no har kao no life ... weee weee... 
suddenly rmb, gt a frd sipek suka eat xiu mai n nt reli like har gao coz niam niam..
^^ frget it bah.. thing past ... wash brain wash brain ... 
after dim sum... 
me as driver duty is to bring them back home lo... 

then wait until 4pm++ ..
wait for clez call ...
bcoz 3 of us wanna go penang walk walk and *local foods*..
1st destination is .. beach .. 
coz both of them still full =.='' 
i hungry like dog liao.. 
nvm, go beach walk walk see leng lui ..
took many pic from there... 
got assissin girl, small girl/boy... fat de.. thin de..
big de, small de, leng de , group of frds de..
and we saw a guy .... :FOREVER ALONE: playing sand there..
and his frd .. we assume that is his frd... 
playing ball around there.. 
and he's jst sitting beside there play with the sand =.=''

after beach, we go s,quay... walk around there then heading to batu fringgi ..
the hawker stall.. boom full... 
have to wait beside the table T_T ... 
waited for 30mins only got seat..
then we order few nice food lai eat lo..
ikan bakar, sotong goreng, char koey teow, fried oyster..
pan cake, man chang cake, ++ 

erm, eat full le jiu go walk walk ... 
night market at batu fringgi ... 
see how they make sales there..
geng ... clez boss say nxt time wan go the ship makan ^^
hell yea... 
and i saw many massage shop at there..
hmm.. thinking got that kind of service or not ..
the price quite cheap also.. considering to bring john come try also.. 

well, almost 11pm... time to go back... 
quite tired for me... sleep not enough T_T .. 
slow slow drive back... chit chat there..
and then we discuss to have a date to play bowling ..
clez is my sifu lai.. teach me play spinner ^^ 

- 15th August 2012 Wednesday

15th August 2012 Wednesday

Step up Revolution...
weeee weeee...
watch it at sunway carnival together with nell n wk...
7.20pm show...
very very very nice ending ... 5 stars movie ...
those senior from step up 1 2 3 also come out ...
the story line is about a teenagers using flash mob to take attention..
mob, they use mob to show what they really want and needs...

finish movie, fast fast pia back sp..
9pm++ reach there..
jk n tl they jio dota..
sampai there... me n wk hv to wait them end one game,
then seem like the time quite late..
so we play 1 more game n go for supper..

Koey teow basah bakar arang ...
nice one .. but i heard people said last time lagi bagus..
before the old boss died ...
sad story about this.. they died in an accident after work.. around 3am++

16th August 2012 Thursday

a tiring work day for me again..
5pm++ wk sms me for outing tonight ..
reject him bah, feel lazy and want to nua my bed ..
then after him, nicholas msg me...
said wan go cc...
reject him again =.=''
then jio yum cha....
@@... then remember tiok parents ask me makan sendiri ..
orz...  then ON .. lolx

before yum cha, i went urut my back and leg first..
pain T_T hate injury ..
v go Fresh yum cha... opposite of do re mi tuition centre
got sy/nic/wk and nan ...
pity ah nan, tonight kena we troll 99 ...
troll-ing him with milk .... haha, his food.. his drinnk...
and bla  bla bla so on ~ ~
some jokes about another sy + nan ...

chit chat for few hours there until 11pm++
quite surprise is nan sms all of us asking r we arrive home edi or not..
when we received the sms we was like O.O?
r u okay? why ? lolx ...

17th August 2012 Friday

bad day for me...
early morning go penang with worker...
bring van for dad's frd...
dafuq i waited that worker for an hour there..
my back terus pain coz sitting inside da car for so long edi..

After that, go meet up my sis..
help her move thing to bm...
she need to decorate a show house in bm ..
new taman lai ..
i go do ah sei =.=''
back pain liao still move this move that..
then hv to assemble table lagi @@
fly here fly there..
go tesco buy cleaning kits ...

rush until 6pm++ 7pm++
baru reach sp..
cannot tahan, after drop my worker to office..
directly fly to urut place...
pain die me ...
after urut feel better a lot ...
wondering when my back can fully recover ?

Monday, August 27, 2012

- 13th August 2012 Monday

13th August 2012 Monday

today work half day .. 
nicholas n wk jio bkb .... ( basket ball)
guan lai i still can play bkb, 
but stamina cannot tahan ... plus knee injured ... 
so, wt i can do is ... direct shoot, passing and rebound ... 

then they jio cc/movie tonight .... 
i was like wah !!! so geng ? 
then cincai lo... but hv to wait nicholas dinner with family sin... 
wait ar wait .. wait ar wait... 
around 9pm wk sms me, he said nicholas jst started eat dinner wif family..
then jio me for movie.. 
O.O''  then i no want edi.. want to rest at house ... lazy outing ... 

wk complain he forever alone again... hahaa

15th August 2012 Wednesday

Step up Revolution... 
weeee weeee... 
watch it at sunway carnival together with nell n wk... 
7.20pm show... 
very very very nice ending ... 5 stars movie ... 
those senior from step up 1 2 3 also come out ... 
the story line is about a teenagers using flash mob to take attention.. 
mob, they use mob to show what they really want and needs... 

finish movie, fast fast pia back sp..
9pm++ reach there..
jk n tl they jio dota.. 
sampai there... me n wk hv to wait them end one game, 
then seem like the time quite late..
so we play 1 more game n go for supper..

Koey teow basah bakar arang ... 
nice one .. but i heard people said last time lagi bagus..
before the old boss died ... 
sad story about this.. they died in an accident after work.. around 3am++

- 11th August 2012 Saturday

11th August 2012 Saturday 

plan to stop sport already.. 
need time to recover back my injury ... 
bt the boss ken want to bdmt tonight.. 
so i help to jio ppl and book court.. 
o.O L,fatt wan to join the game also..
wah, so rare.... must give face also..
so end up i join for the game @@ 

booked two court.. 
quite many ppl join tonight .. 
haiss but kena ppl shoot buta when calculating  money..
brain calculate money, a few peoples talked to me .. 
sad story and its spoil my mood ... 

tonight i come to bdmt and didnt go to futsal..
there kurang 1 ppl=.='' pai seh nia.. 
and john came to bdmt looking for us yum cha.. 
@@ guan lai outside everywhere jam... then he ngam ngam otw home n 
come bdmt court find us... 

12th August 2012 Sunday

wee..... sunday .... 
makan breakfast with my bro hwei n melissa..
shawn, ah cheong huey keat and hui xue also join us ..
da you bin... dim sum... yum yum ~ ~
long time didnt see them jor... 
have a good chat together ... 
ah cheong always give his concern to me... 
everyone got their working life ady,
sharing their thing tgt, kepo kepo tgt... 
and aso nwdays gadget ... 

o.O'' morning early bird movie with sy,nicholas n ken..
bounce legacy .. 11.20am... 
nice show, chi kek.. i giv 4stars out of 5... 
finish movie around 1pm++ nearly 2pm.. 

After movie, going to arcade for awhile... 
ken go prepare and back penang after movie..
and sy n nicholas go pak tor ^^ 
then i date with my ID6aa machine... 
20mins later, wyang n liang called me for lunch n yum cha..
no prob at all lolx..
coz i jst realise that i hvnt eat my lunch yet.. 

so we meet up at edo ichi ... 
manatau liang aeroplane us..
left me n wyang... 
makan makan n chit chat chit chat.. 

tonight guai zai... no wan go out ... 
outing for whole day and felt tired edi.. 
somemore still got many movie hvnt finish yet..
so far pia watching one piece... 
hehe ^^ 

- 7th August 2012 Tuesday

7th August 2012 Tuesday 

fulemak ...
today quite busy working ...
so hard only tahan until finish work..
6.30pm reach home... take a short nap until 7.40pm.
prepare myself and get ready for futsal...

@@ play safe day for me..
have to take care of my knee and back...
manatau hv to save one penalty kick =.=''
opponent goalie keeper will take the shot..
he's a very good goalie that's also uni team members in australia..
keeper vs keeper .. 1v1 ...
everyone chi kek looking at it @@

i was also nervous for it...
coz futsal penalty quite near..
dont think i can save the ball ...
i heard wouuhhh ~ ~ ~
i save it ... the ball...
i also surprise for myself. ..
but tarik dao a bit my back ... T_T

8th August 2012 Wednesday

today different a bit, play badminton at taman sejati..
a badminton court that i long time didnt go for it jor ..
bring back me a lot of memories i spend here..
also a place that i met back a best friend in my life..
when i first step in the court..
wanna fainted ... bcome so dirty, no people take care of it at all ..
3 court booked by frd...

met some old friend there...
wei teng and jack soon ...
not bad wor they play dao..
but sejati court macam weird weird tei..
see out de ball = in ..
@@ and so dark there...
or may be i edi biasa tmn wira jor..

tonight wk, ah nan they all join tmn wira...
me liang n wyang join sejati...
3 hrs =.='' play dao siao siao... may be the court issue..
a bit no mood .. so had to go back early ...

- 6th August 2012 Monday 2nd day in Genting

6th August 2012 Monday 2nd day in Genting

pilipala pilipala ....
wake up lo ....
ah ken and wei kaei keep on wake me up...
the time still early =.='' and they not yet prepare ...
lucky ah nan tolong me .. say they finish bath baru wake me up..
coz im da driver... need rest more to drive back later .. ^^ like a boss..

our breakfast ....
dk nan intro us eat economic rice .. will very full de wor...
=.='' my economic rice = rm29.80 .......
sakit telur .... T_T

omg omg omg .... saw a pubo kia here...
the one who whack my sgp frd nose bleed...
hot liao.. fast fast eat... wan go find him settle...
well, his bro is there with him...
lagi bagus, directly talk to his bro ...
good thing is his bro not bullshit with him...
can be friend... if not both will kena edi...
case close...
what i can say is ... sui siao de ppl... wakakkaaa go genting so far aso giv me find dao..

erm, wk n ken keep jio wan spider man roller coster ..
eee... look so chi kek, sked leh ...
push here pull there... me and nan also no wan play...
then we jiu stand there ... shot some photo ..
suddenly i come out, kia .. go sit spider man...
lets go buy ticket now before i change my mind...
fuiyoh... they was like O.O!! wtf? steady !!! lets go..
:motherofgod: lolx ...
and then dk nan help us take many photo when we playing ...
not bad, not scary but got a feeling like you are flying .. xd.

AFter that, watch show...
a japanese guy play show there...
and then he ask for donation ...
both knee down, wow... respect ... although is japanese culture is like that..
but first time i saw .... i also donate 10 bucks..
and praise him sugoi ... then he wanted to shake hand with me.. ^^ weeeeee weeeeee

back sp lo... night time go badminton lagi...
tze liang jio ...
8~11pm badminton ...
chiong chiong chiong ~ ~ ~ nearly 3pm we heading back to sp ...
wk's dad also join us for bdmt ...
but really thx to wk help me bring ken and nan go back home..
coz reach sp around 6pm..
so i decided to go back sleep for awhile ... tired..

knee injured ? who care.... as long as can play... jiu play xD
today i 鼓起勇气 ask him tag team wif me ... vs wk n jia jie..
a surprise is he ok n dnt mind...
was a very good game ... and in the end we won ..
bt run too much, knee a bit pain ... but for me i think its worth ...
since its really a good news for me ...

Friday, August 10, 2012

5th,6th August 2012 Sunday + monday.. Genting trip

5th August 2012 Sunday

After whole day working .. 
time to pack my thing n get ready for genting trip.. 
8~9pm++ went to village mall first for a few games while waiting DK nan..
n then go his house to fetch him to wk's house...
me , ken and dk nan over night at wk's house before depart.. 
@@ ken so late only go wk's house.. 12am++
everyone slept and his call made me n wk woke up... 

3.30am.... wake up lo... but wk missing ... 
he went to his parents room sleep ..
left me ken n ah nan .... 
we walked wk's house to seek for him...
even toilet, every single corner or under table... lolx..

our planning is 4.30am start drive ..
but wk late wake up... around 5am+ we only go... 
1st destination is auto city mcd...
having breakfast there... 
n thn super mode on ...
drive all d way to genting ... without switch driver @@ 
and they sleep like pig behind the car... 
9am... we reach genting ... LOL... 

so early .... 
our boss dk nan help us do the registration thing..
and then he bring us to casino ... 
wk n ken are first time to get in casino..
and ken kena check IC ... his face look too young .. haha 
like under age kid .. 

we keep suan siao ken holding 10k inside his pouch ...
but dk nan tot its really with 10k inside =.='' 
saw bear inside the casino ... 
so rarely to met frd in genting ... 
around 2pm++ we go for check in...
quite tired .. 
after check-in, have some rest inside hotel first ... 

Afterward, get ready to pia again.... 
but go fulfill our stomach first.. 
after meal, dk nan back to his casino and left 3 of us..
we go to the arcade first.. 
see ah ken n wk play street fight ... see them bully ppl... 
haha... ken so bad ar.. even a small little kid also want bully 99.. 
once he won the game, we suan siao him behind say he bully gina...
then he let the kid win, we suan siao he noob.. kid aso cannot win..
and he's so pai seh there..
even the kid's mother and people behind there aso give a kind smile ... 

after arcade, we go walk around ... 
and then go for bowling... 
my hand still 宝刀未老。。 
spinner kaki ^^ so hard to get a bowl ball that match my fingers ..
my thumb too big =.='' 
the lane beside us, got leng lui... they keep on kap me when i playing..
hehe ^^ when i get strike or spare, they pun ada clap hand.. 
yeng ^^ song... siok sendiri ...
Finish game and go to NIKE shop walk awhile..
ken looking for sport shoes... 
and then go back hotel room bath... 

All sports bar, we coming...
8pm lee chong wei vs lin dan show... 
saw my senior there... senior from sp HL bank..
LCw have a very good performance compare to last time.. 
its first time i see lin dan so stress ... face palm ...lolx..
both of them bring us a wonderful fantastic match ..
although in the end lcw lose 19-21... 
but really feel proud of him...
4 of us feel so touch and sad and really feel wan to cry out ... 
me n wk down ... but seem like wk more down ... emo terus.. haha
 the match finish around 9.40pm...

we go to casino to makan ...
the cha xiu and xio bak rice really nice... 
but for my stomach just nothing... cant full ... 
ah ken say wan to win back rm100... the money he lose ... 
he chg rm100.... n bet rm100... 
ask me to help look on it ... then he cabut...
no dare to see... he said that his heart pumping so fast.. 
lucky he won the game ... and then 3 of us back to hotel first..
dk nan continue his gambling inside casino... 

in da hotel... 3 of us here continue gambling..
wk win a lot leh .... 
then i may be too tired... donno how i get into sleep jor ...  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

- August ~~

19 August 2011 ... Friday... 
a date of  nightmare begin ... 

4th August 2012 today... 
one step into august .... 
i felt scare ... 
15 days more ... 1 year ... 
anyone know what date today ? 

is a day i made a big mistake in my life ... 
my ego ... my nervous ... my patient .etc... all bcoz of these ... 

midnight 4am++ watching youtube and suddenly saw this link...
a clip that i didnt watch for long time ago..

after i watch back... 
i cried... really bad cry ... 
taking out my dairy .... 
read my 2011 dairy ... 
the day i with my bros ...
read back the sms ... msn chatlogs... 
really happy even got small argue.. 
a buddy punch ... 

my mind ... keep on thinking the days we had before...
the good u treat me ... 
i always think it, i scare one day i forget ... 
still rmb.......
we hunt food together.... 
do siao kia thing together....
play ro until no nid sleep .... 
whn i need you, no matter what time... how tiring you are..
you still willing to acc me ... 
when i'm down and stress... you cheer me ... 
a caring to me that got no friends will tell me ... 

sorry bro i really hurt you ... 
but i see u now, seem like got a good group of frds ... 
having a happy life .... 
really felt happy for you ... 
i nvr regret to know you this friends.... 
the only thing i regret is i spoke stupid thing to you n hurt you.. 

anyway.... all these had ady past ... 
tis jst a big black dot in my life .. no doubt with you i think ... 
august .... 
one year...can our misunderstanding all settle clear ?? 
or 10 years ? can we still ..........
just like this song ... also August .. 

well.. no matter what... you still my best bro ever ... 
take care bro.... 

- 29 July 2012 Sunday Badminton

Another good day for me ... 
its first time i see frds invite we go badminton tonight ... 
8~11pm bdmt ... 
went to village mall initial d first be4 bdmt ^^ warm up.. .
i slowly xio xio there ... wait until 8pm only go badminton .. ... 

bcoz i assume that if i go too early and only both of us there... 
the situation sure very .... erm.... kang ka ...
walk into court.. look around .. seem like no ppl reach yet ..
thn look back again ... got ppl sampai jor... 
its surprise me that, a frds give up a hand say hi to me ... 
dono since when, i start to do nothing to him... 
bcoz i know may be wtever i do, might cause our issue into more worse. .. 
so i prefer act dono anything ... dont do extra thing ...

but inside my heart... i wish could have more communicate together ... 
like group of frds ... 
play badminton also happy a bit.. got laugh got sohai thing ... 
atleast nt so serious la..

then to avoid kang ka situation.. 
i fast fast wear my equipment ... ( knee protector , shoes ) .. .
hv to wear double of knee protector on my right leg... 
got bad injured on yesterday futsal... 
my knee direct hit to the floor ... 
at night pain until cant sleep .... 
now walk aso hard... 

frd asked... knee pain le still go bdmt... boh kia si ar.. 
bt for me , i gt my own reason that i wanted to attend the games ... 
and i also keh hiao de la... listen dao got sport nia, cannot control my body edi ... 
after equip up my eqs... 
i go train start ball... and he jio me to warming up ... 

i was like @.@ am i dreaming ? its that true ?? ?
the most happies part of that night is .... its almost 1 years we didnt team up tag to play a match..
that night, we had it ... 
i donno he okay or not... but im really happy ... deep in my heart.. 
a familiar back that i tot will nvr gt a chance show infront of me again ... 
still like last time, i did the back up behind job ... 
but due to my leg... i miss a lot ball that i can save ... 
the game lose ... although a bit guilty to him but just  a game .... 
i guess no body will care about win or lose ... 
that moment ... awesome ... i personal feel.... our par up 默契 still there... 

seriously i cnt find another teamate can have 默契 like him ... 
thanks .... really thanks a lot ...

but that night, my leg pain and tired edi  go back early ... if not i still will continue to play .. 

- 27 July 2012 Friday

hv to pull myself up in early morning ... 8am T_T
coz gonna meet up Andy at 11am ...
bring him go butterworth see car ...
his bro looking for triton and L200 ..

busy for meet up him and see car....
we had our lunch at 七廊粿条汤  Raja Uda around 12pm with my worker..

after lunch .... bring him to somewhere nearby bm to see another L200 ..
and his bro quite like it and when gonna pay deposit ..
the used car tauke told another customer edi paid deposit ..
now waiting loan =.=''

have to wait until nxt monday and hope that guys loan didnt approve lo ...
After that, fly back sp ....
didnt sit warm my ass in office then have to go baling again ...
pew pew pewwww ......
pew and pewww....
6.30pm only reach sp T_T

Friday night .... tml got futsal ...
erm... go urut my back ...
my back seriously injured ...

- 26 July 2012 Thursday

Went to gurney and queensbay mall with nell to search for FILA's cap ...
failed ... mission failed ..
then heading to college around 6.15pm ...
meet up eric and bring him James Foo western food...
right beside tua pui loh chicken rice .... opposite Net City cyber cafe...

everyone are attend except our chinese medicine doctor he got sick ... T_T
Colin treat all of us for this dinner ...
as farewell bah ~

sweet .....
next saturday have to go one of the chio bu there de house ...
open house dinner ... wakakkaaa

btw, the food there... not bad.... price average and delicious .... ^^
especially the drinks ....
got jumbo size... suit me ... water bottle .... tong sampah ^^

- Assignment ^^

orz... busy rushing for final assignment ...
busy whole day just to printing and buy board..

some of my design ... not really good for the first one ..
i guess the brush side i got problem with it ..

hmm, i like this one .... kinda scary ...
nell received my mms of this picture around 2am .. and he couldn't sleep until 4am++
coz he see the face at d middle ... lolx

After pass up the assignment ...
cabut go sunway carnival ...
me n nell went there to meet up jk and tl ....
watch batman together..

nell n tl .. both of them really sipek hiao kang ...
there's a scene that show the girl's breast very big and they shout ...
WALAO !! very loud and made me laugh together with them also ...