Saturday, December 24, 2011

- 23 December 2011 Friday

I really love my dad.
He's going to KL with sis today.
But he did full tank petrol every car in the house.
I'm thinking my dad are so care about family.
Before he go for travel also help us prepare everything..
He know my sis financial a bit problem, he also bank in for her every months..
Always gave us what we wants, what we needs...
I hope when i grow up, and become a father.. i want be like my dad..
Love family members.. take care of everything..
I guess it might be very stress but it's my responsible.

Suddenly think of my 3rd sis knock my door last night before i sleep..
she come and ask me... kia, lets go down smoke .. =.=''
i was very shock when i heard this.. and i reply ok . kia =.='' zha dou ..

Small lui told me that yamateh cannot go to penang tomorrow because want to clean the house ..
im like omfg . aeroplane ...
i rejected three groups of friends that invite me for xmas celebration and now .. kena aeroplane ......
sienz.. in the end i decided to stay at house accompany my mom since dad went to KL..

8.30pm went bowling with sotong and met a new friend ..
seem like i need a personal ball next year, because got kaki play bowling with me already ...
after bowling, around 10.45pm ..
went to Ntech meet dolphinZai since he came back from kampar i havent meet him yet and also busy until cannot meet him..
we played dota until 1.45am...

reach home at 2am ..
and ate my supper.. chicken rice ^^ haha chicken rice again.. my dinner also chicken rice..
something surprise me tonight is, i saw him online on fb and he shared chrupchrup page... that page is melissa asked me to help her to open the link because she can earn money from there..
i try to pm him for chat about that, he reply me =.=''
and we had a short chat and i plan to sleep edi..
but in the end im too happy until can't sleep
around 3am.. skype with ling wei ..
the girl that same name with me ...
she share me that she got a really good friends that care for her so much..
share me how is her birthday and her travel trip to .. erm.. donno what's that place name .. lolx...

i also told her, there's a group of friends carry me up .. cheer me up .. care me.. love me .. worry me..
especially my brother - raymond. having final year in UTM but still worry how am i recently ...
and also Jun, he and his mom care about my health so much .. look like my half mother ^^
his mom same age with my mom ... and i can see my mom from jun's mother..

hmm.. i promise jun to assemble his gunpla very nice as his xmas present..
well, don't know i can do it or not since my skills wasn't so good .

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