Tuesday, December 6, 2011

- 5th November 2011 Monday

Bro.. i saw you again from my office...
don't know why i walk out from the office, look around my dad's lorry and van...
and i heard ur car's alarm ... and i turned my head to petronas petrol station..
i saw you .... .

friend tell me, why i always met you outside?
they cant always saw u outside also =.=''
this friend tell me we got jodoh ...
i donno should i blieve or not..
coz if we gt jodoh to be friend/bro ..
we wont be like this bah ..

tonite i didnt go qi gong... and i go have a nap cause too tired..
i dream i date with jun to have dinner/lunch at somewhere in sp..
and he didnt come.. and then i saw raymond ... raymond come to me say he came back from jb cause wanna talk to me something.. its about dragon and me de..
he said he go talk to dragon and then say that im truly apologize to dragon hope he could forgive me...
and then, stupid phone notification and group chat alert wake me up =.=''

Day 35

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