Tuesday, December 6, 2011

- 3rd November 2011 Saturday

Having movie with friends tonight in village mall... Watch Petaling Street Warriors ..

In the basement car park, i saw dragon's car ...
sp so small ...
anyway, this movie, it's so funny and make me, jun and fook ling laugh 99 ...
laugh until we dont feel tired after the movie ...

i guess im quite busy bah.... so many days didnt write my dairy =.='' have to gambateh edi..

Day 32

- 4th November 2011 Sunday
Slept in 3am+ but woke up around 7am...
laying and rolling on the bed with Jun for 1 hour++ then only prepare ourself to pick up friends..
Heading to penang .... woooo
Having our breakfast at tmn sejati ....
10am++ went to my uncle clinic to take shot ...
After that, fly fly go 1st avenue - red box ... until 2pm++
then me jun and andy go pringin mall walk walk ..
and i also meet zhaoyang / nigel / ah b they all at pringin mall...

Today event : everyone speaking.. no mandarin , hokkien or cantonese...
End game, im the one who didnt kena punishment ...
Jun have to take off his pants , and the girl have to kiss each other mouth to mouth...
but those girl so damn cheat..
In the end, when we otw home, i help jun to received the punish ... lucky only small was there..
cause she wan to see both of us kiss / take off pants so much =.='' sweat 99

After first avenue and pringin mall,
we went to queensbay mall ...
me n jun went to arcade .. and those girl.. we donno loh ... they walk their shopping..
we play our game ...
but i didnt take any lunch.. im so hungry until i gastric ...
they said have to wait until 7pm++...
then i cant stand it anymore, gastric + tired ... not enuf slp lagi..
so around 6.30pm me and jun went to xian ding wei makan first...
the girls reach there around 7.30pm and saw we edi finish eating and scold me ... =.=''
said why i eat first.. i donno how to tell them , cause i dont want to let them feel guilty ..
i scared they felt guilty after knowing im having gastric for few hours ago ....

today lesson ...
ktv ... really can make people emo...
im damn so fucking emo on that day too..
i shouldnt deserved the treatment like this ...
i can be more better ...
but why ...
please give me strength to stand up...
please give me strength to stand for it...
please give me some confident to trust for it ..


Day 33

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