Tuesday, December 20, 2011

- 18 December 2011 Sunday

hmm... can't sleep well whole night..
May be my brain doesnt have a good rest ..
and Jun was snoring there.. with some nice * melody *
everytime when he start snoring, i try to move him to quiet, but when i want to move him.... he become silent =.='' so i cont to sleep..
hmm.. tonight, i can felt like my dad are beside me.. thinking of my dad.. love you dad...

8am+ im awake from bad dream i guess..
then roll roll rub rub my bed until 10am only went for bath ...

Went to pick up Jun's mom around 11am++
and three of us went to Sunway Carnival for shopping ..
We had our lunch at sake sushi ...
hmm... not really got appetite to eat.. but tori teriyaki don.. make me hungry .

around 5pm+ i reach sp.. and eddy ask me for dinner with them around 6pm..
ok, i told them i might be late 5-10mins.. because i just reach sp and im in legenda around 5.45pm..

but, i have been waiting them since 6.15pm until 6.45pm..
i started fed up because they told me 6pm, and make me rush like bull..
but let me wait for 30mins there...
im so hungry and wait like sohai there =.='' orzzz :yuno:

tonight, i slept very early.. 9pm+..
but i woke up at 10pm++ 11pm++ and 3am++
when i woke up around 3am++ , i saw yamateh's sms..
she ask me what happen to they all, seem like all so emo and bla bla..
im kinda shock and wake myself up and try to open my eyes to check their facebook..
there're nth different ar..
so i start to think and worry what happen to they all?
i know they are emo recently because of love issue... three of them ..

rolling.... rubbing .... do nothing .... thinking.... and worried them until 7am..
i only continue back my dream...
and wake up around 9am+ +

day 48

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