Tuesday, November 1, 2011

- What i had learn today

Insomia until 5am+ only sleep..
It continues 1 week jor...
haizz ....

A wonderful and meaningful day i had today ...
Early morning drive to Penang, see doctor... can say see my uncle.. he's doctor..
He said i no need eat any medicine for my thyroid...
And he scold WHAT THE HELL to this stupid wellness lab charge so expensive and
did so much unnecessary test ....

After that went to Gurney Plaza meet up with friend ...
Actually only meet up a friend and train initial d6aa de..
But met 3 gangs of friends at gurney plaza...
=.='' Home town at sungai petani but very less met any friend here...
Once in Penang, met so many friends..
Wondering should i go to Penang?

5pm back to sp from penang... but 7pm reach home =.=''
Fast fast rush bath and go out..
Cause friend's mom tarik me go train 气功。。

First time went there and learn 气功。。
I learn many new thing there...
Look at those aunty and uncle, they are so enjoy for the dance? or warming up?.. wtever la
Some of them, did so hard... big movement...
There's a aunty wear mini skirt and dance like dancing in the club... LOLZ..
The song also HOT than we teenagers song...
And mix up the song with chinese / malay and ++ like really 1 Malaysia...
Right there making my mind so fresh and feel so glad...
So old aunty uncle ... some of them consider grandpa and grandma...
Still training there and having a good healthy life... Proud of them...

After the training ....
Looking for food.. Because just realise that whole day so busy until didn't eat =.=''
Plan go to bites but close then went to Summer Pearl ...
Don't know is 天作弄人 or what .... Met a birthday boy there ...
haha in the end i realise i not dare to ask him out tonight was right ...
btw.. wish him Happy Birthday bah ...

Day 1

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