Thursday, November 24, 2011

- 23 November 2011 Wednesday

Today, i heard a lot story from Ayameh and Small Li ..
They complain about Jeff was fall deep love to a girl that only care for his money..
The girl make Jeff got no honor and so on ~ every month atleast spend him around 2k++

ayameh cried for this friend because the misunderstand that jeff created.. make jeff's gf though ayameh was third party in their relationship ...
it's second times already..

ayameh and small li told me that they wanted to unfriend with jeff because they edi tried hard to pull jeff wake up ... want him to understand loving someone that not appreciate him is not worth ..
I tried my best to ask them cool down and don't do anything like this..
Because jeff already hurted by his girl friend, as a friend still unfriend with him now... he could really sad enough ... lucky they accept my advise ...

Why everyone around me having this kind of issue ? why they dont appreciate the person around them?
like small li said... 作朋友是用心的。。 this sentence, make me remind of someone.. i remember i ask someone why treat me as a bro.. a simple and short answer he answer me.. 因为你是用心来和我交朋友。 i still remember every single words u said ...Z ..

small li is kind of person wont look back to the past and wont go and remember the memories..
but im the person that will keep the memory very well ..
she don't know how hard i wish to have back the bro i lost ..
it's sometime make me down when she say not worth to save a friend that not appreciate you..
she also say now they treat me not good meh?
it's not this problem... small li.. it's because Z was really treat me good enough more than you all..
i couldnt forget the goods he treat me ... it just you dont understand Z's situation and person..

After i reach home, plan to sleep already ...
But my 3rd sis came in my room and talk to my 4th sis ...
she said she go and ask my relative - aunty something happened when i was 1 years old ...
it's remind me the sadness,anger,revenge in my heart ...
i felt so sad and angry but i tried not to show out and control ...
because i will lost control when i know-ing someone bully my mom for so many times...
i wanted to find someone talk for it ... think of rocky, but he's in uk and busy for study now...
think of raymond, he's busy preparing for his final year project ..
think of Z, i not sure he willing be my listener or not because only him know about this past... i tried to msg him but he didn't reply ..


hi bro, sorry i doesnt mean to disturb you but just hope you could be my listener just now or someday ... Good night and sleep well bro..

Day 23

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