Tuesday, November 15, 2011

- 13 November 2011 Sunday

-12 November 2011 Saturday night....

Over night at B'zai house tonight and we discuss for tomorrow-sunday trip ...
we chat all the night , facebook-ing , spam group chatting together ...
Until 3am++ we only off to bed ...

But tonight, i cant sleep ... im awake until morning 7am and morning call two leng lui to ask them wake up ... and then i go get ready myself ...

- 13 November 2011 Sunday...

8.30am start to fetch those leng lui go Penang.... and meet A'Zai at queensbay mall to pick him up and let him bring us to try the best food in Penang today.. consider a food trip...

1st we went to BJ complex there had a nice nasi lemak... the sambal n chicken was nice...
and then we go balik pulau there try the siam laksa ...
Then i plan to bring them go batu muagh ,, but forgot the road and go back to georgetown area...

Then we tried mee goreng ... at pulau tikus there... so near my old hostel and i didnt know the mee goreng was so nice and famous ... xD
Next destination .... indian street cendol ...
wooo, surprise me is... there's so many people waiting for the cendol ...
After cendol, new world park ice kacang... although i ate until sien ... but impossible im so selfish and didnt bring them mar ...

well the time around 2pm++ we went to ferry there, try wt wt ice ar.. hmm.... its like jelly + ice and one biji of ... er.... longan =.=''

After that, we went back to queensbay seaside ... because have to drop A'zai back there before 5pm...
3 guys having guy talk there and 2 girls having girl talk there....
Suddenly, someone ask me what happen to me last few weeks ... cause see im so quiet when hanging out ...
so i tell that girl i had quarrel wif my best bro and feel sad for it only ...
im dont want to let her know the story ... and she keep on asking ... make me down ....

and by that time, i saw a car with that plate number.. i look inside the car... is that bro .. ermm... is that friend ...
i was like.. OMFG O.O!!!
i though in sp we always met at outside because of sp small ...
but in penang wor =.='' still can see dao him ...
i don't know this is jodoh or the fate that want me to face it so hard ....
so i told tat girl, the bro i mention just now, just pass by =.='' lolx..
and she keep on forcing to msg him that said i saw him ...
let him know atleast im still caring about his this friend ..
seriously i felt not to disturb him now and calm down myself...

But she keep on forcing me... talk about it .... in the end i send the msg , so she could stop ...

then we went to Sunway Carnival ...
watch 6.45pm movie - 那些年,我们一起追得女孩。。
明明彼此那么的爱对方。。 可是就是不原意的开口。。
虽然他们俩到最后不能在一起。。 可是相信他们的心中都有大家。 。
看到自己好朋友和自己喜欢的女孩在一起的时, 也没有去干涉他们。。
如果,真的如果。。 我真的很想回到我们没有吵架时的友情。。

回忆。。这部戏。。 勾起了我很多很多和我的好朋友在一起的回忆。。
不止是和这个兄弟。。 也勾起了我从小到大是的好朋友。。
每一个, 我都记住在心目中。。

不知你还记得我们一起玩ro的时。。 找好吃的食物。。
一起打球。。 出门走走。。 等。。

可是尽了一切的努力。。 还是不能。。

因为你不想, 我再怎么努力的挽回也没有用。。
哪怕有一天, 你还记得我这个曾经的兄弟,找我喝茶或打球吧。。
因为我说过我会遵守我们是兄弟这个的约定。。 即使你忘了。。
我们那些美好的回忆。。 只会是回忆的陪伴着。。。
不是你的话, 我现在不会发现身边那么多爱我,关心我的朋友。。
也不会振作的为我自己而奋斗。。 我该说谢谢你。。
当然, 我也希望在我那么幸福的生活中, 会有回你和我以前的那段友情,兄弟情。
这个, 看天或你了。。 我还会是一样,选择相信,信任和等。。
再见了。。 friend/bro



我会记住那个名叫wen xin 的女人。
是她说她很保密。。 这是她的为人。。
可是, 该说的她不说, 不该说的就说-还是说尾不说头。。。或者是说头不说尾。
Bitch, 还在他和我的面前说 C女单独的参别人。。
要不是我去问, 永远的被你骗, C女也给你诬蔑了。。
Dont say im rude... Dont say i put the blame on you ...
But in fact you are directly who make this incident become worse..
No wonder she got so less friends around her...
That's what i curious when i friend with her...
Now i know why ...
After asking some's friend that know her...
Just only know she's really BITCH...

Day 15

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