Saturday, November 19, 2011

- 18th November 2011 Friday

Today vivi came to visit me and mom ..
Then me and vivi had lunch at Edo Ichi ....
hmm.. We chat a lot ... crap a lot ...

Until 5pm she drive back to butterworth ... careful when driving yea ..
After that, take a rest .... too tired and outside is raining and make me feel lazy ...

At night went out with Jun for dinner ...
He asked me a lot of thing ....
Had a nice chat with him too ...

After that goto fetch Willy and drop Jun back ..
Then my Initial D6AA start...
Akagi battle event ... and im so bad luck met a fucking pro ass R35 for FOUR TIMES..
He got nice blocking ... lose all the game when battle with him, but im just stick right behind him..... He's so good on blocking already...


bro how r u doing recently? guess that u also had a long time didnt go for badminton edi rite...
anyway try to do more exercise to avoid high blood pressure and so on ...
well, just a normal care ...
Feel like to share you the feeling when vivi came to visit me ... but .... ....
This weekend penang gurney plaza got japanese festival event ... you going?
So far got eating competition.... wasabi sushi and ramen competition ...
cosplay event , cards game and ++ etc

kinda feel weird im trying to deliver my message to you with this way and im not sure you are reading or not ... haha ...
Oh ya, i dream about you and raymond last night ... raymond become teacher and open a tuition class in ur shop ... me and xiu fu pass by there and you look at me with an angry eyes =.=''
weird dream ...

Day 18

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