Thursday, November 24, 2011

- 22 November 2011 Tuesday

22 November 2011 Tuesday

Daddy promise me to have dinner with me tonight...
I asked dad dinner with me tonight cause 3 of my sister back to sp..
For so many years when my sister back to home town i also didnt spend my time to have a meal with them...
Since i require to have dinner with them..

But at night, dad said go my aunty house eat..
cause aunty's house got cook and free , bcoz the nxt day is her son's wedding...
dad promised me ... promise to dinner together outside and not going their house for dinner one..
i was waiting for this dinner since morning ...
But all i got is dissapointed ... i felt so upset that even my family members also like that..

I just had mee goreng and one burger for my lunch n dinner..
I'm out of mood to eat anything...
THen went to starbuck to buy some coffee and go to jun's housefor a visit ...

Jun and Andy got misunderstand ...
Although they didnt quarrel face to face ...
But the misunderstand make Jun angry about him..
He felt like been cheated and though andy is not honest to him ...
Look at them, i feel like there's a knife scratch through my heart. ...
I don't want both of them will be like me and Z ...
The feeling losing a bro is really painful ...
I tried my best ... to listen their situation and explain one by one... stage by stage..
The incident was happened in the afternoon but very good news is they was understand stand it's just a misunderstanding and forgive each other... at that night.. everything settle..
I'm glad that i was success to help both of them to recover back their friendship.. win-win situation ...
Lucky didn't drag this incident for so long, if not i think it will be very hard to explain to Jun about andy's situation ...
Look at them was recovered, i feel touched and think why other can but .... i ... failed ..

I couldn't sleep at night, i took a pill from my sis to let me get into sleep easily .. 安眠药..
After an hour i took the pill ... i start to feel sleepy ..
That night, i dream about jun and andy was friend back together and playing with their gunpla..
i also dream about someone but it's just a nightmare for me ...

Hi, bro.. a msg to you again ... although i don't know you are reading or not ...
But the feeling i look at jun and andy can be friend back without any scar because they remember the good each of them..

I wonder could we ........


Day 22

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