Wednesday, January 18, 2012

- Gambatte and continue your life

Worried a person, that feeling is so hard to describe ..
you can feel ur heart beat fast .. you scared .. erm.. and complicated feeling ..
that feeling is like make you gone insane and explore ..

btw, seem like i still have to learn more to convince peoples...
long way to go... have to calm down ... clear mind ... pressing down own feeling and care of situation .. well its sound easy but really hard to do it ..
Human just an emotional animals...
they do have pain, hurt,happy,cry.. etc ..

No matter how stress, how suffer you are..
never think of suicide...
its hurting the person around you ..
they hurt because they care and love you ..
Every problem sure have a way to solve it ..
Nothing is impossible if you never giving up to save it ..
May be it need to take time...
1 year not enough then 5 year.. then 10 year..
one day, the problem can be solve..
By choosing suicide, the problem will be there forever and no one gonna heal it..
The origin problem couldn't be solve and it will bringing up more trouble for others..

No one is useless or hopeless..
Just they cant see what you got..
Everyone got different view to something they saw ...
by the time you think that you cant stand it anymore...
think twice, why you walk until here and give up ?
If plan to give up, why give a start for it ?
When you fall down, never forget, sure will have someone who carry you up..
and walk together with you...
Don't let someone who appreciate you feel disappointed...
It's not too late yet ...
Tell yourself, relax and live in the way you feel happy...
time will past, you will grow,society will changed ..
If you think that's a good way, then it is ..
We dont expect too much, just a simple normal happy life ...
more wants,more suffer ..

Anger really a scary weapon in human's emotion ...
It will took everything away from your life..
I have no idea how to control the anger but just try your best not to express out your anger so easily to other peoples...
I believe those peoples won't able be patient to receive it..

What you facing now, i experience before..
I understand the feeling and i really hope that i can do something for you ..
Forgive my helpless .. My ability can't reach that difficult level yet...
But i will try my best to figure out the better way to help you ~


TO bro, Now i truly experience how's your feeling when i putting my anger to you.
I don't blame you at all because it's because of my emotion break down to cause our brotherhood into pieces ...
What you doing now recently?
I'm thinking asking you for movie...
If you feel free, we find alien to yum cha, recently *** are so down ...
try to talk more to ***
Oh yeah.. Ray is in SP now..
wanna breakfast together?


hmm... im kinda weird today=.=''
why im telling friends something from my blog and i don't even know they are reading or not ...
Totally out of confident to do everything..
Recently can't even have a good dream ...
Everyday dream about my dad..
it's that so hard to get a happy family ?
Just a simple thing but they have to think so complicated?
why? it's because of human being selfish ?

Day 80

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