Friday, January 13, 2012

- 12 January 2012 Thursday

A sad day since morning until night ...
Look at friends they misunderstanding due to they are honest to each other..
May be it's because of using sms, and cant look at their face expression..
Next time face to face talk about it will be much more better .. Steady ~

Suffer everyday in year 2012..
All bad thing came to me and i have to be strong to face it..
Family, Business, Friends and even Love ..
What i want is just attention .. i guess ..
May be need someone to listen and carry me...
Many thing cannot say .. the situation not allowed and i have to take the pain ..

Don't know why recently always gastric and got vomit this morning..
I saw something black black ... seem like vege but i didn't eat any black vege=.=!!
Every happy moment pass very fast ...
Soon we will be apart and im gonna miss those days we had been together ..
Why i just cant .... ... ignore and walk my life alone?

2 more weeks, CNY ...
Why i don't have such a feeling one?
Have to plan for class party again ..
so hard to get contact with them ..

A true love, it will success even it exist in wrong timing..
Just wait .. dont mess up everything when emo..
Take more time to know well for each other ..
Thinking too much because they care each other so much.. They scare lost each other...
But in this situation, must calm down yourself and don't simply say any words that harmful to others..

hmm, last night ate the sleeping pills that my sis gave me,
it's useful ... after ate, feel sleepy in 10 mins ...
but, eyes is close.. i still can feel my mind is thinking ...
and woke up at 7am++ =.='' the eyes felt tired but the mind still running =.=''

argg..... cant fat anymore.. 69kg now =.='' diao ~

Well, keep emotion break down recently but still have to act that im strong enough to handle it...
Until today, finally it burst out ..
Really hope got people will understand my feeling..
I mean the true feeling .. 媒人不好当。somemore got phobia ....
I also want to feel secure...
Love are so complicated, It's so hard to know it's that love or its not ..
The best way is just ignore ... ignore.... and ignore ....

Soulmate ... my first soulmate i guess is you .. TO bro ..
But too bad, We had the bad ending ...
Thinking how are you recently and doing what?
Had you taking good health ?
May be, im to stubborn not to let go ..
Don't know why , read back the chat logs again,
We got a lot of thing to chat, even only two of us there...
Morning chat until night ...
From whatsapp to msn , and then meet up.. then msn again, and end up with whatsapp..
Everyday got a lot of shit to talk ..
But mostly i take the first move ...
Now really tired always take the first move to all friends...
Anyway... Hope you are fine ..


( BaoBei 加油 )

Day 74

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