Friday, January 6, 2012

- 5th January 2012 Thursday

Having my lunch with Jun and Lih ...
then work work work...
continue my working life..
although i started talk to dad.. but it's only happen in office..

When im home, i don't speak with them and locked myself ..
I cant face them ..
Mom gave me drink... also put outside..
And i wait until they not in living room or house,
i only get out from my room and take it ..

Night... hanging out with Jun and Lih for swim car river...
chit chat about bullshit ...

Something that make me very touched is.. ..
The care .. the love that Jun and Lih gave to me ..
And also Jun dare to speak out that he appreciate me this bro ..
He gave me a hug and said thanks you ..
i guess his heart might be very warm ..
thanks to Jun always be with me and give me a hug ,
It make me felt i got the love from family ... The love full of caring ..
We never be apart and i swear i will always be there when he need someone
.. no matter what, i will never abandon my broS and friends ...
and i will try my best to walk out from my past... my phobia...


bro TO , i wish i could have time to write down everything about our past..
from start to end..
how we know each other...
every memories... i wish to write it down ...
knowing you, i do not regret ..
Don't say i loh soh .. but i know you always sleep late around 3~4am++
i want to see you have a healthy life style ... a good life ..
Even when u feel you are helpless or alone,
dont forget.. i will be there to help you when you need..
Although we are not bro anymore..
but still the same words .... you are my bro .. forever... until i reach my death..

Good night T.O

Day 66

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