Saturday, June 11, 2011

- Trust

Seriously i hate gay so much.. I accept gay as my friends before because i got a close friend that he's gay. But now i can be what i want. I really hate gay, so that i hate ppl saying im gay or ah gua. =.='' Because im really not and i dont want people misunderstanding me. Kinda shame to become gay ! !!

Got friend asked me why dont i go get a new girl friend now... Simple question but i only reply i got no mood to in love now, and if i in love now, might very sorry to someone and also myself. All i need to do now is work and learn my dad's business. This is most important thing now.

Having cough for 3 weeks already, many food i can't eat.... I miss laksa, hokkien mee, pasta, curry mee, satay, pizza, nasi redang, chicken rice, chicken chop, satay, roti canai and +++
But because im sicked, i realize many people are care to me so much, advice me this doctor, eat this eat that, drink hot drink only and ++.. Well it's a bit like controlling me but my heart feel so warm because i can't believe there's so many friends are so care about me. To not dissapointed them, i have to recover faster and show them im recovered so that they won't worried about me anymore.

Having deal with my brother Thomas that i won't smoke anymore and he must less eat those oily/ fried/ and fatty foods that harm to his health. He really showed me that his promise to me. I also must stand up myself not to smoke else i will very very sorry to him.

Today i learn something good. I wake myself up to understand why close friend sometime won't care about each other feeling... It's because we too close, we believe in other.. the trust we gain are strong so that sometime we might didnt care about their feeling and came out with little bit misunderstand and sorry. Because too close, and we had the habits so when changed, we might little bit angry... Because human being , we wanted more.. So remember, always give forgivness and peace, It will help ur friendship stand longer.

Trust is like a paper, once it's crumpled, it can't be PERFECT again. So i want to walk out from my phobia/ my past to gain back my trust to my best friends/brothers.... It might need some times or it might confuse me to lost my way sometimes, but im sure they will forgive me if im done something hurt them to them..
To know and being close to a friends might need year or more, but offend a friends might just need a few second, so think deep and care about their feeling before speak..


  1. SORRY TIGER,last time always say u chao ah gua...i also can accept gay as my fren,but dont come and gay me lar,if not i will kick his ass...hahaha.take care urself and dun smoke any more lar....u mention those food make me very hugry weh...>.<

  2. lol....... becoz i always kena gay kacau = =

  3. go get a new bf?y?u break up with ur gf d?so suddenly d....?
