Tuesday, June 7, 2011

- Do nothing

Seriously i feel dissapointed to one of my friend... Don't know how to start here but what have he done is really hurt me. He just act childish and having "大少爷" pattern.
In the end we end up our 13 years friendship. Well, im just giving advice to him and he don't want to accept it then deny me.

Why i always having friendship problem every years? It's my own self problem or i'm just bad luck to knew this kind of friend? nah, it's already happened, im not blaming to other and just accept the destiny bah... As long as i know i still got a lot of friends around me... People said 人生有一知己, 死以无憾。 and i got three.... I must be glad for it...

But sometimes really scared to disturb them to tell them what problem im having now. I know they couldn't help me and just be my listener but they got their own life too.. Sometime i wish i can keep in my heart and solve myself ...

Dumpling ( bak chang ) i miss my grandma's hand made bak chang... i miss the taste for many years ago. But this year, i got it back.... Really thanks to my brother Thomas that giving me his house made bak chang... I feel my grandma taste... grandma i hope you rest in peace... i miss you and i love you ~