Saturday, June 18, 2011

- Health


Just realise that im unhealthy...
Having cough for 1 month and havent recover yet...
After check up with a chinese doctor, she said that my body really unhealthy..
If i dont really take care of it, before i 30 years old, might died or +++

Every single organs in my body are no good and im 23 years old now but i having 70 years old body.
Now days, my back are very pain... I have no idea for it...
Seriously im so worried and down for my health...
I'm really sad that i having this kind of body... this kind of health....
Why i now only realise that healthy are so important and regret that i dont really take care for it.

I felt like im so useless, everything i did wrong, everything i don't know, i cant help people when they need help...
I donno everything that happened now in the world or social...
I can't do well for my dad's business ...
I can't take care of my parents / my family ....
and now i got a serious bad bad health ...

Somehow, what am i born to the world ? I'm just a rubbish in this world that did nothing to the world...
I cant bring any advantage for the world ...

These few night, i keep suffer for one thing, i can't take decision on it..
I don't know what should i do... i got phobia for it...
My left hand ask me do it but my right hand ask me ignore and stop it now..
If i do it, i might get hurt if anything happen... Its risky for me..
If i don't do it, i can't pass through my heart ... because im the only one can help ...
Should i or Shouldn't i ?
May be i think too much? But atleast avoid better than no.. ? It's that correct?

Really made me can't sleep well in the night....


  1. take care ur health ar~~~~slp early n dun skip ur meal....especially ur breakfast...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. it is not late now onli u know health is important,from now on stop doing and eating unhealthy things and food,especially SMOKE~!
    天生我才必有用。。。every man have their talent,it depands on when the man discover his tellent.

    i know u very very care all ur frens and their felling,if u help ur fren but it will hurt urself,and ur fren does not appreciate it,it is worth for u to help them...?don take ur health to do somethings that other people do not appreciate it.

    u must think carefully and think wad are the consequence before u make ur decision.


  4. hahha... thanks.. my fren appreciate it just i scare something happen in the future ....
    i also wont take my health to do something to that person who dont appreciate it ^^
    seriously.. i hope i could live for myself ...

  5. tiger , don't think like that, if you think that way mean you really useless.. try to think it positive, even how also, you need to think that family and parents always be your side, while i as your friend also care you =) even how weak, even how stron, continue your life and get a better future that will not make your parents and family disappointed on you =) want to be healthy not a difficult things, if you think it difficult -- mean it will always difficult on your life.. =) try to think broadly, everythings just need to pass through then you will be smooth for everythings =)

    if you feel unhappy on it, you can always find us =) *or even you little dear - erickson XD*

    don't worry so much as i say =) try your best , do the best and be the best =D *support*

  6. will always be there for you whenever you need me =) i promise
