Friday, May 13, 2011

Wake up please~

when i could wake up to concentrate on my work , my future ?
I wan motivation ... where is my FIRE goes ?
haiz... ignore it...

People said , when the thing is beside you, you wont appreciate it... May be im being this kind of person bah ...
My 3rd ex-gf , i left her alone and always spend my time on my friends.... in the end she say my friends in my mind is important than girl friends...
my 4th ex-gf , also same thing ... i spend all my time to her , i never do like this before - i always go and find her and spend all my time to her more than my friends.... i lost many friends that time... they dont even invite me to hang out because they know i wont out with them... in the end , i got my holiday 1 month .. and i spend my time to my friends... she said the same thing : ur friends are important than me ... haha
my 5th ex-gf ... due to distance problem , we facing a lot of problem and because my house dont cook ... i have to eat outside.. so that i always hanging out with friends... the reason we break up... also the same... my time spend too much to my friends and friends are important than girl friends...

Very sorry ... im this kind of person ... im so sorry to all my ex-gf and if cant accept my characteristic.... please dont be my girl friends... if not you all will be very suffer .. so please get ready to accept me as your boy friend because i will be the one care my friends more than girl friends... i could make it equal but depends on situation sometimes...

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