Saturday, May 7, 2011

6th of May 2011

Seven morning eight morning so many ppl phone me to wake me up from my nightmare ....
hmm.. wake up in the early morning, and there's some frd delivery me breakfast .. quite surprise and touch =.='' and sweat =.=''
btw , i told my mum that i might be died early because i read some news said that the human like me, eat many but cant fat.. must be careful ... then my mum gave me a lot bullshit ...
Somehow, she dont understand about me but she act like knowing me very well ... keep on crap on me... i really don't know how to communicate with my family , my joke they dont like , normal chat they get wrong channel and reply me other answer ... I'm quite worry what happen if i die fast ? around 40 years old ? think good way , if i died first than all of my friends... i may be can help them to get TOTO / 4-D ? hahaha... helping them avoid from accident ?
Once they dont understand still acting very understand my situation ...
Haizz... lucky i ignored this stupid case and bought McD for my mum ^^ .. she like the fried ..

hmmm.... 2.30pm, i went out with thomas to go flower shop buy carnation for my senior's mother.... He's in KL so that he need my help... i received a very cold n funny joke from Thomas, he said that we should buy "kek hua" and give my mum on Mother's Day , 1st , its beautiful , smelly , 2nd, can cook it to " kek hua zui " =.=' zha dou.. drink with ur mouth and sweet inside mom's heart...

haiz.... tio frd angry again ... i wonder why he's so sensitive n small gas, im just only asking him wanna i fetch him or he go himself for the movie show tonight and he said like i dont want to fetch him and go himself... after this , i been scolded by someone becoz i accidently killed a kitty =.='' haizz... things had happen, scold me also no use mar... want because of a kitty to effect our friendship ? not worst ...

whole night i could see that friend that small gas one.... emo .. or ... show his lanci angry face to me ... what for ? we hanging out for movie show, suppose enjoy the moment mar...everytime like that , a bit then show his angry beh song face to me... we know each other since 12 years old... already 11 years friendship ... are we best friend? close friend ? it should be past bah ...

arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... i received a bad news from my didi-puppyzai... he said that he might not coming back to Msia this year ... miss him badly .... But if he's happy there and could save the air ticket... should stay there for holiday bah...

**** my wish **** i wish i can cry out loud ...


  1. if u gv ur mom kek hua during mother's day,do u think ur mom will scold u?mayb will kill u as well...not only ur mom,is whole family ba....between, thomas really gv a funny joke...

  2. i told her just now.. and she agree it =.='' lmao
