Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dairy ~ ~

19May 2011... its my dad b'day on chinese calender ...
We went Yoshiya Japanese Restaurant for dinner ...
ordered three set of saba steak/shio and salmon fish head=.=''
End up i settle 2 set of saba and the fish head... Its make my stomachache for few days ........

20May 2011
Woke up around 4pm++ and having Laksa/Ice kacang as my breakfast and lunch with DragonZai..
around 5pm++ reach home, and mum already annoying me there to help him change the lamp..
haizz damn pek chek .. the thing she want me to change but didnt give me the new one...

Then ask me go buy.. ok lor, buy lo.. but i donno the place and buy what.. she said , u go here here here and there there there jiu got le =.='' WTF ? what kind of guide is that? Do dao lai 6pm+ , have to prepare for my relative's wedding dinner...

Once reach the dinner, saw someone that i dont like and he starting lan ci with me ... somemore talking my bad with my uncle in front of me. Saying that i no need work then can get iphon4... i know im not like you start to stick with ur daddy's ass to work when primary school, i bet you got not much friends like ur age and you don't know how to enjoy the life .... you suck ...

To avoid listen what they say about me... i change table, sit with old uncle old aunty... the love me much and very sayang me one... but i realise, im not enjoy at the dinner.... playing with my iphone and didnt talk at all.. around 9pm, i went back from there and going to Yoshiya again to meet my friends gathering ... i was very enjoy there and givin' smile none stop ... i felt that im very happy and something is not suitable me before this gathering....

After the gathering i suppose to meet my brother Raymond but it's too late and he off to bed already.. Then i have to delivery some maki for DragonZai and then went to Billion area to have supper with DolphinZai.... its around 11pm...

Something out of my expectation that's eddy invited me dota with chun fong at 12am.. LOL, and we played until 4am..... its a very very busy night =.='' if i not mistaken, by the time i reach home, kelvin phone me and we have a long talk until 5am++ =.='' ORZZZZZZ

Seem like night life suit me ^^ ..

21May 2011
Is Saturday...
I cant really remember what happen today but the only one thing i knew is ... i woke up around 4pm++ and went to play yugioh card...
that night went to summer pearl twice =.='' and met two gangs friend there...
Nearly 11pm, drive to VooDoo for clubbing... that night i was totally drunk... its my first time vomit so many times and 5am only reach my home...

22May.. Sunday ....
today , i received a bad news..
my best best brother PuppyZai is not coming back this year ...
Have to wait until next year July graduate only back to Msia..
Seriously i miss me lot and want to challenge him dota and badminton ....
Don't know our conversation and relationship will become bad when he come back Msia?
Becoz we lack of communication after he went UK ...

23May Monday...
really want to say sorry to someone that cause him been scolded by mom =.='' sorry dude..
Pirates of Caribbean... not really good as my expectation ... the story line , the soundtrack ... ( i love POC becoz of soundtrack ^^ )


  1. u miss jor 1 thing...POC got something u wont 4got...kena cubit if goyang kaki..wahaha

  2. The one who suffer more not him..................

  3. =.='' lol.. tq tq ... he 为兄弟, 手臂受捏。。
