Thursday, May 5, 2011

The brothers in my life.. ..

The brothers in my life.. ..

Suddenly i miss the day when in secondary ... Raymond, still remember we play digimon inside the class ? fight boss ..... press for super power .... " president " in Sejarah Form4 Text book i go say it Resident Evil ... in the end, we laugh too loud and teacher scold us again ... AGAIN.. .. we ride bycle together , bang car together with bycle in front of SP Farmasi ... We went taekwondo together ... eat together ... play together .... study together .... get scold by teacher together becoz we played too much in class n talkative ... LOL ...

Still remember how richard cheong scold both of us in class ?? he scold that we are too noisy and not concentrate in the class... LOL ... Still remember both of us got disturb by malay in ur tuition centre ? and A lot of MALAY GIRLS kacau and chase you .... its really laugh my ass out ...

So sad when we form4 , we only have time together during rest time and tuition centre ... until we graduate , we less contact... but perhaps , our heart still remember each other... we keep in touch on sms , phone call and msn .... so glad see that you stand long ever with your girl friends... Sometime might got stress but be happy ya... Thanks you Raymond always help me when i need help .... and thanks you that always treat me makan ... quite pai seh with it ... u back to sp, suppose i treat u makan de ma ... hahahaa. ... .. Brother forever.

Year 2005 , im so lucky that my dream come true .My dream - wanted to have a brother in my life . ... I knew my god brother - Rocky aka PuppyZai .... i still remember how we know each other... Centre Square - Bowling centre.. both of us are spinner bowler , and he come to me introduce himself and share his skills with me, so ngam , i knew few of his friends.. . after that, everyday after school, we met in bowling centre... From 2.30pm bowl until 5.30pm or 6pm++ but so sad that's year 2006 im graduate and went to penang for studies , both of us totally lost contact until year 2007 or 2008.. cant remember it, but i remember is dota bring us back.... dota bring us to become brothers ...

Both of us have no secret... we share everything in our heart together , i still remember there's one time my classmate told me that dont too close and good to my brother because may be one day he will betray me ... i told my brother and he reply something that i very touch for it ... he said : kor , if one day i betray you , that day will be the day that i die and get into hell ... I felt so guilty that .... one more thing ..... he asked me when we going travel with friends... he ask that : what happen if one day he betray me .? what will i do ... and i ask back him too... but the answer really touch me ... deep into my heart and i feel so happy or +++ .. he said even you(tiger) betrayed me , i still give my 100% trust on you ... ...

Now he went to UK , i really hope that he enjoy his life and having good result there ... because he's a happy person ... he's so funny when he laugh or do some action ... So sad that we had less conversation after he went to UK , but im telling myself, not he's not good to me... he is really busy on the assignment.. so i dont even like to disturb him now ... better let him concentrate on studies ... today 5.5.2011 ... hopefully he could come back to Msia this year , wish to see him this brothers .... Best Brothers 4ever~

Due to some issue on year 2008, i locked my heart to all of my friends, i help them when they need my help but i wont give my heart to trust them... i want to protect myself of being cheated , betray and ++ ......... But this friend , he seem like got PS3 金手子 .. he open my locked just in 1 weeks ... This best buddy Thomas ... i knew this friend 5 years ago but we didnt meet up , we only msn chat after our 1st met together with nigel and shawn .... really want to thanks to eddy , he bring us together for badminton and we meet back ... because of Ragnarok Online , he find me everyday for bot service and some game's information .... i dont mind of helping him even its on 2am / 3am ... or woke me up from my sweet dream ... i just treat as normal friend help..

Until one day we went to summer pearl for lunch / dinner.. forgot edi... to do RO thing.. he treat me that meal ... its not cheap ya, i ate a lot ... almost near Rm20 .. its such a long time no body treat me eat already .. except two of my best brothers ... From that day, i start to treat him different , just in 1-2 weeks ... we share our secret together ... its kinda fast , im so curious why we so easy to talk ... Secret is a part of privacy but we share it .sometimes in the middle of the night around 2-3am we still hanging out for supper .. .. But because of my phobia on 2008 , i keep on suspect this best buddy izziz trying to play with my feeling , cheating me ? scam me ? i donno why im become like this becoz usually once the friend become my best buddy, i give 100% of trust to them ... i feel so sorry and guilty to him ..

Thanks a lot to him , he helped me , carry me a lot this two months .... im so down and despaired.. he said that im closed / best friend to him, but im fucking betray him of being not trust on him and suspect that its that real ? LOL .... this might past or may be now im still think of it ...May be is his attitude and pattern bah... hmm teh hmm tiu de macam tu and low profile ... always dont show out his feeling ... One thing im sure is i do appreciate this best buddy ...because sometime the caring he said to me is really surprise me , this wont came our from my friends ...although we are not close as last time when we first met , but i believe that our heart is caring and helping each other ... i hope this will be the truth to each other too ... .sometime looking at him feel so pity him, because of family business he gave up his talents and his dream and work with dad...

Seriously at here i want to say sorry to this buddy , becoz of my phobia , my emotional and my suspect , we did quarrel ... i think its consider quarrel gua. =.='' .. but he forgive me and understanding my situation ... really sorry and thanks ... and sorry that i turn him bad ...

lastly i hope three of these brothers , live long , always be happy because im enjoy with the smile u guy gave , its make me feel better when im down . .... a joker - raymond .... many cold joke came from him ... really make me rolling on floor laugh .... a funny - rocky always did the funny move and emotion ...... cute - thomas hahaha.. his smile , really funny n cute.... like a kid ...

I dont believe in god , but i thanks god or its my fate to know u all .... im very lucky to know you all .... ....


  1. friends wont counted so much d...the friend that counted so much is not called "friend"...they jz take some advantage from u only, once u dun hv any advantage..they will leave u d..friend will together with u when u laugh, cry...or even quarrel...if u think u treat him no good enough, start from now treat him good ba...everything that u done b4 he will forgive u d...

  2. not only 3 friends that u mentioned~

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. proud of u...好伟大~XD
