Wednesday, February 15, 2012

- To someone B .....

From stranger to become close... And then become stranger again ...
Its something happened between us and we didn't keep in touch at all ...
Notice you blocked me to view your wall post and photo album ...
I wonder it's that happen anything serious ?

I swear to god that i never did something betray to my friends ...
If you have problem with me, come and talk to me ...
I wanted to ask why such thing happen...
But it seem like not a good timing ...

I trying to let go how you betray my trust, lie to me ...
Because people said : 兄弟没有隔夜仇,凡事以德报怨。。
You said promises are meant to break and stop believe in fairy tale...
If a person with a good personality will say this? I know this is 气话。
Because the you i know is not this kind of person ... You wont say like this ...

How i treat you ,are all with my heart , the real heart ....
If not i wont suffer myself when you are in trouble ...
I wont give a damn when you need for help ..
I didnt cheat, didnt scam, didnt hide or lie to you anything ...
Hope u understand it...
Touch to your heart and remind what's my personality ....

Facing all these problem, the only thing can let me calm ..
smoking ... i know is bad ...
Just now mom come n talk to me, why did i smoke so much ..
asking izziz about the incident in cny .. if yes, she apologize ..
and she cried ..
Now i understand what fook ling teach me .. 身有伤 贻亲忧 再遇到什么困难都要照顾好自己。。时时刻刻把父母摆在第一。为了这些事,伤了自己的身体,让父母担心,就非常不孝。
sorry, 孩子不孝。。

112 Days

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