Friday, February 10, 2012

- Forever Alone

Valentine's day is coming .. 4 more days ..
Valentine's day in year 2011, i had spend my time with vivi at straight quay ..
until 11pm++ back to sp..
still remember after i reach sp, me n CL went to Pelita for supper...
cause i don't really have eat much for my dinner ..

Don't know why , this few days, you always appear in my dream ..
i dream that i called you, and we had a nice talk on d phone ..
after i woke up, i did really to make a call to you..
but didnt answer d call ...
feel disappointed a bit ... haha ..

A year had been past .. i learned a lot in year 2011 and also from CL.
Recently many memories of you and i , keep on pop out in my mind ...
looking back the photo we took when we hang out for Penang food trip ..
bcoz i only left that with me ...
Feel appreciated ...
The moment we spend together ... laugh together ...
I also realize that, you are really a good friend and also an important person to me ..

But.... life goes on, i must accept what we experience before ..
Looking back to the past won't changed anything ...
Stand up, look forward ... may be one day , we can get closer ...

Finally anyone beside me, have plan for their valentine's day ..
feel glad for them...
It had been 3~4 years i didn't pass Valentine's day alone ...
Its so weird ar... When i got girl friend, i hate valentine's day ...
Don't even want to go out..
But now im single... wish to have a date on that day ... LOLX :foreveralone:

Well.. recently financial quite tight ...
Have to wait until next monday, to get money from customer...
Lucky the YGO card saved me ...
hot selling it in forum and facebook .. to earn my income ...
Thinking how to get rm2.5k before March ..
I heard people said ipad3 will launch in 1st week of March..
And im waiting for the Taiwan trip in March also..
Everyday waiting that day, thinking of the food there..
But it's also remind me something bad....
Last year plan to go Taiwan this year with Ray,Mel and CL...

Everything just blame to my ego and emo ...
Ruin everything ..
So now when i emo, i will think back the mistake i had done..
And learn from it ...

Now, i need sport.. i miss badminton..
why i always find no kaki one T_T

Day 106

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