Monday, February 13, 2012

- Betray


I still remember January 2012...
31 days of January and you had emo more than 25 days..
I sacrifice my time, my activity ... just to stay by your side to cheer you up every moment..
Look at you suffer, and cause me suffer...
You come and ask for help, you don't know what to do, you need advice..
I endure your emo and ego, be patient listen to you, to let you put anger on me..
Share the blame together with you ...
Help you to get the girl you loved so much even does .... .....
For how many times we quarrel because of your emo and all those are related to the girl?

The first time we argue also because of her and it's because of you dont even understand what's the situation and standing by her side ... What i can say is YOU ARE BLIND !!!
I remember you begged me not giving up to you...
I remember we promises not to letting other' peoples know our secret ..
But now you betray my trust to you TWICE....
1st- you said dont let the girl know we argue because of her, but in the end you go and tell it.
2nd- you promises me wont tell other and her about my secret and what im suffer for... It's related to my privacy ... but you let her know ..
And you dont give an apologize !!!

Our message chatting all are always joking around like before and now you took it serious ..
Somemore telling her im bad to you ?
HELLO !!~~ open big your eyes, how i treat you for past few months ....
If someone say im bad, TOUCH YOUR HEART and THINK .... What i have done to you and how i treat you ....
You said treat me as a bro like real bro .... So well, me too ...
But, What you did to me now ?
Betray my trust... Cheat on me ...
Cancel my date and said that outing with family ...
In the end, went to pak tor ....
Still telling me shopping with family in butterworth ?

You said human will changed and this is reality world...
Hey, a true bro wont changed because of a girl or anything....
You wont betray your family members or kill your family members because a girl....
WHERE is the appreciated you said ? this is your mean ?
A true friend/bro wont lie....
When you suffer, im by your side all the time, When i suffer? you dont give a fuck...
Some more tell me busy or brb but then on phone with girl ?
You emo, ask my help, ask my advice... Now ? say im the person like what i said was right....
WTF? dude, you ask my help and now saying my attitude prob ? 好心当贼扮。。

You already blind for love 被爱情冲昏了头 , what she said was right ...
Even she humiliate/insult me... you also believed that im so bad ..
Last time, guess that im your hope .. the one who always help you and wont abandon you...
Now, you got the girl you want, after used me, throw me away ... GOOD JOB... 无事不登三宝殿
Not i don't believe on what yyy said ... i got my eyes to see what's happening on...
I dont speak doesnt mean i don't know.. dont though me like a fool ...

Again and again hurting me and play with my feeling ..
Make me upset ... disappointed ...
no wonder she told me even my good bro / good friends also will betray me ...
When i asked her it's that you, she just ignore and say think yourself .. ..
What you don't like, no need tell her, this not only thing she told me....
no need block me from your facebook's post .... Do such a childish thing ...
Since you not appreciate what i gave you, you not worth for my caring at all ... ...
You don't deserved ...
YES i promises you not give up to you, because i think it's worth ...
But in this situation , you lies, cheat , betray + abandon bros ( not only me, your other bros )

You said you also wanted to have the feeling that we first seen...
I don't see you take any move or action to save back this friendship....
Show me the prove that you really serious to appreciate our friendship....
Everytime i need someone to talk, you just ignore me ... always ...

You had changed a lot after together with her....
NOT ONLY ME said this.... the friends around you, around us also can see that...
Remind back yourself, READ DEEP to your heart ...
how we treat each other? do you still care for me this bro/friend ?
As in i see, you don't even scare to losing me ...
What i can said now is, you lose everyone beside you just because of love....

You always said that we are same and i always understand your situation and feeling ..
How about you ? Just take it you know my feel...
But why you judge me like an outsider and dont even think my feeling and my situation ?
And why it would be happened ?
I can't find any reason to hold on this brotherhood ...
Good to you is just torturing myself ...
THIS IS your true colours ...
You are not the one i knew last time .....
You become so reality .... where's your ethics ?

Say treating me like a real bro, but you betray and cheat on me ?
what the hell is going on?
No wonder my secondary schoolmate told me that ....
she is so evil and always back stab someone behind ...
Especially her ex ...
I'm sure she want to revenge to me ...
Just because i don't give a chance to her to love me ...
See now you happy? you lost a bro because a girl..
What win win situation ... pui ...

That is no such tactic that got love no friends ...
See Roc's dad... got wife , treat friends also like siao ... (this is what they told me and what i see)
You explore my secret to her, i never mind ... ignore it already ...
But you know i most hate people lies to me, you lie to me and NOT ONLY ONE TIME.... ....
Don't say im blaming or what , but this is the fact that HOW YOU TREAT ME !!!

Come on dude, Do you know how upset am i ?
How hurt am i being betray from a bro ?
Think yourself, you said peoples advise just listen but listen to your heart ...
Then listen to your heart said, how good i treat you and it's that right you did this to me?
I don't deny you are really quite good to me in past ... before get in year 2012...
stop being selfish and reality to your bros ...
If only yyy taking your bad to me, i believed you..
But now not only him, other that know you well also.. and im facing this myself too..

And is you guys wanted to listen my story about my ex...
i tell the story and say i blaming bcoz of her so i become so 大男人?
hello, when you keep on complaining about your ex and blame your ex turn you like this..
i dont give a shit also ...
now you ask for story and i dont blame for anything... what the fuck say i dont let go ?
Ask people dont simply judge you because they don't know your story,
COME ON, DO the same TO ME TOO ... dont simply judge me ....
Don't simply said i dont appreciate the concern you all gave me ...
i got my eyes see... I don't want to put down of TO is my own issue, this is 义.
dont insult it ...
Your ex beat you? yeah, simple thing, go and ask him then everything clear ...
I know what is truth or lies


All these just like dejavu in 2008 ..
Bro love d girl, girl love me...
then i been betray and they two together, and girl saying my bad behind me..
until this year.. this friend msg me and apologize for what had he done to me..
So? it's hurt me already... for 8 months in year 2008 ...
And changed my life ...

死心了。。 失望到绝顶。。

Day 109

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