Tuesday, February 28, 2012

- Lynas 风波。。

Stop Lynas 2.0 is happened on 26.Feb ..
But our government seem like wont stop Lynas..
They gonna build the factory to progress lynas in Kuantan
And it large like 140's football field ..
And these project was almost 90% finish ...
If this project was success,
We Malaysian, especially Kuantan's ppls will live in the environment with full of toxic and radioactive...
Death are waiting for us ...

People said 2012 are the end of the world,
i don't believe it but i always wish it would be the end of the world ..
But the real end for the world, is we being human, we dont love our earth ..
Not only we human staying on the earth...
Still got animals, plants, birds and etc ...
We human cannot be so selfish to spoil the environment just because our own benefit ..

I can't imagine if Lynas project success, what will happened to us..
What will happen to our child ?
For the poor peoples, where do they get money to cure? to buy medicine ? to visit doctor?
I know for rich peoples they might overseas.. but imagine there's only 20%/100% are rich persons..
then the rest of 80% will be sacrifice together with Malaysia?
Lynas, if splash out from Malaysia,
Our neighbor Singapore and Thailand might affect as well too .. ( i guess )

Stop Lynas, and not Only Save Malaysia , SAVE our EARTH !!!
SAVE the life in this world ...

Monday, February 27, 2012

- Unknown ~ Sunday mix Monday ~

gg day...
my arm, shoulder and hands... pain...
but still attend for AKINA battle event from 11am to 6pm ... =.=''
say no to my lunch again ...

After ID6AA, erm... consider dinner bah..
went to dinner with friends at Wong KoK ...
finish around 6.40pm ...
then directly heading to Tmn Wira Badminton...
have to wait until 8pm ...
Too tired ady and sleep inside the car...
Until i heard something that wake me up...
still blur blur, i tot still early , manatau already 7.50pm ~

Watched a hong kong series...
they teach me something from our life...

Then today read a note, the story is about like this :

" 一個商店老闆在門上釘了一個牌子,上麵寫著【小狗出售】。"













店主人緊咬著下唇,眼中湧出了淚水,他微笑著說:『孩子,我衷心希望與祈禱, 這裏的每一隻小狗都有像你一樣的主人。』


" 真心的朋友是當世界其他人都離你而去的時候,仍陪你併肩而行。

After finish reading, feel touched and proud for this kid...
An innocent heart ...
It unlike this reality world, everyone are looking for their benefit and make friends with you..
They can do anything to you just to get something from you ...
After they got it and leave you ...

Human are like this, but i still believe there's someone who with a pure heart ...
because i can see few of the friends, teaching us how to being a good person ...
take him as example and learn from him ..
First thing is to learn respect parents..
then learn appreciate and forgive...
Its wont be so hard or so easy to make it... just treat as a normal heart to face it ...
Then you can make it like what this friend done..

He can, why we cant..

btw, today AKINA world battle ranking out jor..
i got it No.39 world ranking and No.1 in Mys ...
sacrifice my hand was a worth...
and thanks last night i went to badminton...
now my arm wont pain like friday/saturday .... xD

- Ur big day ^^ 25 Feb 2012 Saturday

Woo.. My Kelven bro BIG day...
woke up around 6am ... roll roll nua nua bed until 6.30am..
wait ah b bath sin then only me ...
Wow... his sis-in-law .. got a wonderful car.. O.O !!!

after finish prepare around 7am..
heading to auto city for MCD breakfast first and then go nibong tebal ...
The view from the bridge so beautiful ...
the sun rise ... ^^

Breakfast .....
MCD>>>> BURGER >>>> yum yum ~ ~
wanted to eat fast food for long time already ...
finally today got the chance ^^

Reach bro's house...
miss him so much and congratulation to him as well....
Subaru Galaxy ~ SGP dollar around rm1xxk ..
I dont think Msia got this car yet ...
nice and beautiful car...

Sport rim changed >>> just the cover of subaru ...

Wow.. 为兄弟 eat wasabi ... do something that we unexpected ... troll ...
dance cha cha in public ... haha ~
drink 2 jar of orange in 1 mins =.=''
all mission impossible ...
Know more friends there , and there's a girl name xiao li...
we met before in penang with other friends...
but we couldn't recognize both face at all until we chat a lot then only know... haha

Finish the event in d morning..
2pm go qb....
ID event for rm10..
then go back rest..
Near ah b house there..
batu ferringi ..
got a laksa and rojak stall..
fuiyoh... damn nice...
will go there again when i go penang..
but they only open for weekend ...

Dont see those food normal normal..
Normal ki lai, the taste awesome !!! delicious kaokao ~ ~
Finish eat, go back ah b 's house n bath ... rest awhile n prepare to go for wedding dinner again ...
fuiyoh ~ ~
heavy rain zzz
and so jam at juru there...

Yoo bro, so leng zai and have a beautiful wife....
In d dinner... they dedicated this song for us ...
" 我的好兄弟-"

After the dinner, damn it ..
I only know im holding a special bro position for him ...
Even his parents also know about me...
Then we go his house for second round...
lolx... drink + play "uno" card ...
was a very tiring day but really feel so glad...

around 2am... go back to sp from nibong tebal ..
so sleepy and cant focus on the road..
and my mind was thinking how i know all my bros..
and the life i had together with ah b and kelven in penang studies last time...
play.. eat... study... work... quarrel... scold lai scold go..
perli here perli there..
口头号。。 " LA PU ' ..

- 23 Feb 2012 Thursday

Went to P.A.T.H ...
It has been half year i didnt come to this restaurant ...
Having my dinner here while waiting friends ...
A very nice and peace restaurant i ever been..
i love this place so much becoz it's so quiet ...
and feel warm ...
Must try the cake there.. very nice ~

Got to Dota again ...
Kena influence jor, hand gatai and feel wan dota dota and dota ...
Won 4 game straight....
N go to Nasi Rempah as our supper ^^
All like a big kid, making fun , bullshit ... chit chat ... troll ...

- 24 Feb 2012 Friday

Wooo.... Friday !!!
Akina Battle Event !!! ...
Slept for only 3~4 hours and woke up at 10am ...
Went to fetch ah hao and heading to village mall ...
pia pia pia... boost here boost there... left right left right ...
cause both my arm gg-ed ...
non-stop play from 11am++ until 3.45pm ...
Say YES to akina and NO to my lunch T_T ... :troll:

Was a very heavy thunder rain ...
Sp drop ice =.=''
rushing go home but couldnt see the view on d road...
and playing wif my phone almost slide d car to divider =w=
Reach home, fast fast bath and go out again ...
Have to meet friends at Ntech ...

Too bad they eaten already and im late for 30mins =.=''
The rain cause me to delay my date ...
So eat mee cup in d cc =.=;
Won a lot of games but lose 1 game...
until 9pm, all heading to Village mall 's pizza hut ...
yum yum ~ cheese ..cheese pizza.. wakkakaa...
but i prefer domino's piazza... or UK pizza ...

After the dinner ....
I have to say bye bye jor ...
Need to go over penang over night at friend's house ...
And prepare for the wedding event on Saturday ( tomorrow )

when otw to penang, walao the high way... suxk..
the road... up n down =.=''
and may be my eyes prob or what, couldnt see clear to the road..
the white lining like darky in d night ....

wow, ah b his house....so big =.=''
aiya, same bed with him sleep together again...
remind me of year 2006, we are roomate when we study in penang ...
day day help him buy chicken rice or go gurney for lunch...
study life ~ ~
but we almost everyday gaming ..
Ragnarok online... lolx troll...
coz the subject we study, no nid paper work..
what we need is experience and hand job ... ~
not bad neh ~ i sleep around 12.30am... ^^

Got a wonderful friday night ~

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

- 21 Feb 2012 Tuesday

21 Feb 2012 Tuesday

Wooo... 11.30am meet up with my primary classmate and her husband ...
Her husband and her husband's dad know me well when i was small kid until now .. ^^
kedah so small ...

Having lunch at Old Town tesco until 2pm++..
then go for hair cut ^^
look fresh after have a hair cut ..

After that, went back to office again and snake ... no customer ... left one worker =.=''

Night 8ppm ...
go steamboat loh ...
at friend's house ...
a farewell party for three of them, one go taiwan, one go sgp and one go australia by this week...
one road follow wind lo ... ^^

After makan makan ...
Sure wont forget about games ...
Mahjong .... trololo ....
play mahjong until 12am only go home ...
A wonderful day i had ... wakkakaa

Hmm... too bad happen something make me unhappy awhile...
coz looking for a friends ask for the date,
need to plan for my schedule ...
call for few times and aso msg for few times...
been ignored =.=''
But it not bother me for a long time...
Just short awhile and i forget about it ... ^^
Live for my own , everyone got their thing to busy ...
Dont mind , dont mind ...

- 20 Feb 2012 Monday

20 Feb 2012 Monday

Busy whole day working...
Most impressive is having dinner with friends at night ..
Mae Salong Thai Restaurant ...

<< See the place.. nice ?

<< Otak-Otak .... yum yum ~~

<< The tomyam and Fish so nice. .. my fav...
Also the xian dan cha hea koh bak ...

We suppose to go KhunThai in butterworth ...
But due to transportation issue, we having it in SP ...
Although me and Nigel had big argue in fb for the event,
But when we meet up, steady ..... forget the argue ...

Yum yum ...
the food, delicious .... cant forget the taste and the moment with them...
8 peoples eat 8 dish , 2 jar of drinks ...
Total only Rm145 ...
CHEAP !!!!

- 19 Feb 2012 Sunday

19 Feb 2012 Sunday

orz.... Over sleep..
Aeroplane friends breakfast and movie =.=''
woke up around 3pm+

After woke up, looking for customer for streamyx and unifi ...
while doing all these job, watch movie ... facebook ... and roll on my bed .. LOLX
relax-ing ...
busy skype chat, fb chat and also whatsapp chat ...
have to charge d phone while chatting ...

around 6pm++
Went to Ntech with friends, for dota...
wakakka long time never dota and still use my ace hero earth shaker and the hardest one - MEEPO....

Then cancel two date at night, coz we going yum cha after dota .. lmao...
pai seh to them nia ... need replace them on other days ...

Finish dota... went to Billion there de 7-11 mamak stall.... fuiyoh,
the rice there still like before.. awesome ...

So big plate ... so big de fish.. all only for RM5..

After we finish eat, fuiyoh... heavy rain =.=''
three of us is like freezing there and shake hand shake leg shake body ..
Then thinking, should we go cc again or what...

Wakakkaa, in the end, i suggest go play snooker...
the central just right behind the stall we having supper...
Ceria snooker center ...

<<< pro L kaki ... bully ..

<<< pro J , everyone train before one.. lolx

Finish the game around 12am and go home ....
Tidor .....
Having a nice and peace day ^^
Thx god im having a happy day everyday ...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

- Happy day without any suffer ~

17 Feb 2012 Friday..

Woo, went to kek lok si with my cousin ..
got a lot of photo also ...
but so far skills still not so pro yet ..
but learned how to take night shot ...

After that, went to coffee island ...
had our supper ...
the mushroom cream + garlic bread ... nice ...
the taste cukup kao kao .... yum yum ~ ~

Front ....

Side ....

28.Feb 2012 Saturday ..

After came back from penang, went to eupe food court for lunch ..
After lunch, IDAS6AA lo ...
spend around rm20 for it ...
Pride point increase ...

At night, 8-10pm.. badminton ..
wah chim ~ leg muscle tak boleh tahan .. sakit nia ...
after that, yum cha lur ...
burger stall ...
chat bullshit until 12am only back home...
May be because of d heavy rain ...
We all hold it until so late only back ... wakkakaa

Thursday, February 16, 2012

- 16th Feb 2012 Thursday

hmm, wake up in d early morning ...
try to view his profile and notice he unblock me jor.. also can see the photo album..
haiz... im thinking, if got anything , just speak it out ..
i know something happen there...
coz yyy told me some of his friends said he post : thx u, bcoz of u, now im like criminal in front of my mom .. on wednesday ...
i think the time is in between 4pm+ ~6pm+.. coz i woke up at 4pm.. and he told me around 6pm++
and i cant view d wall edi ...
And also he said sp a lot fake ppl wearing mask ... on monday ..

After i heard and have a check...
thinking, if not saying me, why want to block me ..
his pattern is like this ..
suppose i should angry him of betray my trust, but i also let go ...
in the end , turn up become like this ..
since sunday until now he didnt find me ...
Well, hope everything will be fine ...
I dont find him because he said he need to cool off ...
and from this situation ,
i don't want to rush to know what's happening .. i dont want dejavu like what me n T happened..
Just wait and suffer .. mental torturing ...
yyy asked me something and i was dono how to answer..
he asked me, why last time he cannot drive out but now can ..
seriously i got no idea ... but i try to understand his situation ..

Afternoon, went to have facial treatment ... wakaka..
an old friend, and we talk a lot ...
then meet up with tze liang, to discuss something about part time agent ..

after the appointment , around 6.30pm reach home ...
take a rest, 7.30pm chong haw come and fetch me for dinner ...
well, fish there, thomas there ....
i got a good time with them ...
it's glad we still got chance to having dinner together ..
hope will got another chance also ....


otw home, his car is playing pitbull's song ...
the first one i heard is - give me everything tonight ..
remind me, bro, how we play each other when playing this song ...
im still driving nissan x-trail ... in penang ...
and the 2nd song is .. international love ...
i was totally wtf orz...
why? bcoz this is d song of memories for me and jun ...
i guess he didnt know, but everytime i listen to this song,
im thinking about im assemble the strike gundam and he's playing that song and sing alone...
then dance ...

arrive home ...
i cry out ...
i can't stand that i face this thing again..
i 问心无愧。。 but ...
why is all these happen ?
how can i accept lost someone that i care again ?
what i can do is.. wait ...
wait until he cool down...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

- To someone B .....

From stranger to become close... And then become stranger again ...
Its something happened between us and we didn't keep in touch at all ...
Notice you blocked me to view your wall post and photo album ...
I wonder it's that happen anything serious ?

I swear to god that i never did something betray to my friends ...
If you have problem with me, come and talk to me ...
I wanted to ask why such thing happen...
But it seem like not a good timing ...

I trying to let go how you betray my trust, lie to me ...
Because people said : 兄弟没有隔夜仇,凡事以德报怨。。
You said promises are meant to break and stop believe in fairy tale...
If a person with a good personality will say this? I know this is 气话。
Because the you i know is not this kind of person ... You wont say like this ...

How i treat you ,are all with my heart , the real heart ....
If not i wont suffer myself when you are in trouble ...
I wont give a damn when you need for help ..
I didnt cheat, didnt scam, didnt hide or lie to you anything ...
Hope u understand it...
Touch to your heart and remind what's my personality ....

Facing all these problem, the only thing can let me calm ..
smoking ... i know is bad ...
Just now mom come n talk to me, why did i smoke so much ..
asking izziz about the incident in cny .. if yes, she apologize ..
and she cried ..
Now i understand what fook ling teach me .. 身有伤 贻亲忧 再遇到什么困难都要照顾好自己。。时时刻刻把父母摆在第一。为了这些事,伤了自己的身体,让父母担心,就非常不孝。
sorry, 孩子不孝。。

112 Days

Monday, February 13, 2012

- 12.2.2012 Sunday

12.2.2012 Sunday

Wake up in d early of morning...
vomit... vomit out the 胃酸。。
haizz ...

preparing to go out village mall ..
after that, went to swiss-inn and pass by beh's house..
well, i think i saw something that should not see ...

busy chatting with friend around the worlds at night ...
different country ...
d girls i knew for 4 years from turkey, ccc - lincoln -uk .
wk - leeds - uk . ling wei nottingham - england uk...
yy melbourn aus ... lee jyun - sgp , cao - sgp ..
kinda happy .... hehe, although i never met yy and zeynep ...
and know a lot of TRUE STORY ...

but i upset to someone... realize that he treat me like a fool ..
haizz, totally disappointed in to deep ...

Day 108

- Betray


I still remember January 2012...
31 days of January and you had emo more than 25 days..
I sacrifice my time, my activity ... just to stay by your side to cheer you up every moment..
Look at you suffer, and cause me suffer...
You come and ask for help, you don't know what to do, you need advice..
I endure your emo and ego, be patient listen to you, to let you put anger on me..
Share the blame together with you ...
Help you to get the girl you loved so much even does .... .....
For how many times we quarrel because of your emo and all those are related to the girl?

The first time we argue also because of her and it's because of you dont even understand what's the situation and standing by her side ... What i can say is YOU ARE BLIND !!!
I remember you begged me not giving up to you...
I remember we promises not to letting other' peoples know our secret ..
But now you betray my trust to you TWICE....
1st- you said dont let the girl know we argue because of her, but in the end you go and tell it.
2nd- you promises me wont tell other and her about my secret and what im suffer for... It's related to my privacy ... but you let her know ..
And you dont give an apologize !!!

Our message chatting all are always joking around like before and now you took it serious ..
Somemore telling her im bad to you ?
HELLO !!~~ open big your eyes, how i treat you for past few months ....
If someone say im bad, TOUCH YOUR HEART and THINK .... What i have done to you and how i treat you ....
You said treat me as a bro like real bro .... So well, me too ...
But, What you did to me now ?
Betray my trust... Cheat on me ...
Cancel my date and said that outing with family ...
In the end, went to pak tor ....
Still telling me shopping with family in butterworth ?

You said human will changed and this is reality world...
Hey, a true bro wont changed because of a girl or anything....
You wont betray your family members or kill your family members because a girl....
WHERE is the appreciated you said ? this is your mean ?
A true friend/bro wont lie....
When you suffer, im by your side all the time, When i suffer? you dont give a fuck...
Some more tell me busy or brb but then on phone with girl ?
You emo, ask my help, ask my advice... Now ? say im the person like what i said was right....
WTF? dude, you ask my help and now saying my attitude prob ? 好心当贼扮。。

You already blind for love 被爱情冲昏了头 , what she said was right ...
Even she humiliate/insult me... you also believed that im so bad ..
Last time, guess that im your hope .. the one who always help you and wont abandon you...
Now, you got the girl you want, after used me, throw me away ... GOOD JOB... 无事不登三宝殿
Not i don't believe on what yyy said ... i got my eyes to see what's happening on...
I dont speak doesnt mean i don't know.. dont though me like a fool ...

Again and again hurting me and play with my feeling ..
Make me upset ... disappointed ...
no wonder she told me even my good bro / good friends also will betray me ...
When i asked her it's that you, she just ignore and say think yourself .. ..
What you don't like, no need tell her, this not only thing she told me....
no need block me from your facebook's post .... Do such a childish thing ...
Since you not appreciate what i gave you, you not worth for my caring at all ... ...
You don't deserved ...
YES i promises you not give up to you, because i think it's worth ...
But in this situation , you lies, cheat , betray + abandon bros ( not only me, your other bros )

You said you also wanted to have the feeling that we first seen...
I don't see you take any move or action to save back this friendship....
Show me the prove that you really serious to appreciate our friendship....
Everytime i need someone to talk, you just ignore me ... always ...

You had changed a lot after together with her....
NOT ONLY ME said this.... the friends around you, around us also can see that...
Remind back yourself, READ DEEP to your heart ...
how we treat each other? do you still care for me this bro/friend ?
As in i see, you don't even scare to losing me ...
What i can said now is, you lose everyone beside you just because of love....

You always said that we are same and i always understand your situation and feeling ..
How about you ? Just take it you know my feel...
But why you judge me like an outsider and dont even think my feeling and my situation ?
And why it would be happened ?
I can't find any reason to hold on this brotherhood ...
Good to you is just torturing myself ...
THIS IS your true colours ...
You are not the one i knew last time .....
You become so reality .... where's your ethics ?

Say treating me like a real bro, but you betray and cheat on me ?
what the hell is going on?
No wonder my secondary schoolmate told me that ....
she is so evil and always back stab someone behind ...
Especially her ex ...
I'm sure she want to revenge to me ...
Just because i don't give a chance to her to love me ...
See now you happy? you lost a bro because a girl..
What win win situation ... pui ...

That is no such tactic that got love no friends ...
See Roc's dad... got wife , treat friends also like siao ... (this is what they told me and what i see)
You explore my secret to her, i never mind ... ignore it already ...
But you know i most hate people lies to me, you lie to me and NOT ONLY ONE TIME.... ....
Don't say im blaming or what , but this is the fact that HOW YOU TREAT ME !!!

Come on dude, Do you know how upset am i ?
How hurt am i being betray from a bro ?
Think yourself, you said peoples advise just listen but listen to your heart ...
Then listen to your heart said, how good i treat you and it's that right you did this to me?
I don't deny you are really quite good to me in past ... before get in year 2012...
stop being selfish and reality to your bros ...
If only yyy taking your bad to me, i believed you..
But now not only him, other that know you well also.. and im facing this myself too..

And is you guys wanted to listen my story about my ex...
i tell the story and say i blaming bcoz of her so i become so 大男人?
hello, when you keep on complaining about your ex and blame your ex turn you like this..
i dont give a shit also ...
now you ask for story and i dont blame for anything... what the fuck say i dont let go ?
Ask people dont simply judge you because they don't know your story,
COME ON, DO the same TO ME TOO ... dont simply judge me ....
Don't simply said i dont appreciate the concern you all gave me ...
i got my eyes see... I don't want to put down of TO is my own issue, this is 义.
dont insult it ...
Your ex beat you? yeah, simple thing, go and ask him then everything clear ...
I know what is truth or lies


All these just like dejavu in 2008 ..
Bro love d girl, girl love me...
then i been betray and they two together, and girl saying my bad behind me..
until this year.. this friend msg me and apologize for what had he done to me..
So? it's hurt me already... for 8 months in year 2008 ...
And changed my life ...

死心了。。 失望到绝顶。。

Day 109

Friday, February 10, 2012

- Forever Alone

Valentine's day is coming .. 4 more days ..
Valentine's day in year 2011, i had spend my time with vivi at straight quay ..
until 11pm++ back to sp..
still remember after i reach sp, me n CL went to Pelita for supper...
cause i don't really have eat much for my dinner ..

Don't know why , this few days, you always appear in my dream ..
i dream that i called you, and we had a nice talk on d phone ..
after i woke up, i did really to make a call to you..
but didnt answer d call ...
feel disappointed a bit ... haha ..

A year had been past .. i learned a lot in year 2011 and also from CL.
Recently many memories of you and i , keep on pop out in my mind ...
looking back the photo we took when we hang out for Penang food trip ..
bcoz i only left that with me ...
Feel appreciated ...
The moment we spend together ... laugh together ...
I also realize that, you are really a good friend and also an important person to me ..

But.... life goes on, i must accept what we experience before ..
Looking back to the past won't changed anything ...
Stand up, look forward ... may be one day , we can get closer ...

Finally anyone beside me, have plan for their valentine's day ..
feel glad for them...
It had been 3~4 years i didn't pass Valentine's day alone ...
Its so weird ar... When i got girl friend, i hate valentine's day ...
Don't even want to go out..
But now im single... wish to have a date on that day ... LOLX :foreveralone:

Well.. recently financial quite tight ...
Have to wait until next monday, to get money from customer...
Lucky the YGO card saved me ...
hot selling it in forum and facebook .. to earn my income ...
Thinking how to get rm2.5k before March ..
I heard people said ipad3 will launch in 1st week of March..
And im waiting for the Taiwan trip in March also..
Everyday waiting that day, thinking of the food there..
But it's also remind me something bad....
Last year plan to go Taiwan this year with Ray,Mel and CL...

Everything just blame to my ego and emo ...
Ruin everything ..
So now when i emo, i will think back the mistake i had done..
And learn from it ...

Now, i need sport.. i miss badminton..
why i always find no kaki one T_T

Day 106

Thursday, February 9, 2012

- hmm

hmm.. thanks that i got a good life now ...
erm... suan le... update tomorrow =.=''

Monday, February 6, 2012

- Why i think too much? sorry ya

4th Feb 2012 Saturday

Day 100

Well, everyone playing with egg today...
Make Egg standing on the floor ..
Many of friends sharing their egg's photo on facebook ..
Even whatsapp also got friend send me the egg's photo ...
remind me of last year ..
TO send me his egg standing photo , i dont believe he make it..
and we had facetime and he show again and again..
We msn , facetime and RO-ing that night ..
show off with the egg...

Skype with didi tonight and also chat with ling wei in facebook chat...
well, it's turn my mood good a bit but still depress..
like what a friend told me , 无事不登三宝殿...
If a friend only find you they need you , and then忽冷忽热to you, better let go..
nothing much i can care so much ...

I'm thinking if i could be more selfish, break the promises we made ...
izziz i will feel better? i don't know, but i tried to be selfish last time and failed ..
Building back a relationship is so hard after had quarrel with them...
Although it said is past and let it ... will be more better...
But from daily conversation compare to past, it's truly become less topic, less conversation and cold reply ..
I tried my best to believed ... but from the way i been treated , i got no confident ...

5th Feb 2012 Sunday

Had a perfunctory message for a few days compare to last time..
Less chat, no topic and don't know what's going on to this friend now.
Evening time, wish to have someone accompany me ...
Wanted to shout out loud and there's a friend suggest me to beach..
So i tried to ask them wanna go to beach tomorrow or not ...
Haizz... sp to butterworth 30mins or less...
sp to pantai merdeka ... 40mins ...
fine, complain a lot to me said that butterworth are so far and bla bla
but izziz bcoz of her suggest to pantai merdeka then u all agree to pantai merdeka?

WTF is this ? im totally speechless and mad ...
our conversation like last time is less and less , day by day..
i'm already try my best for whole day to cheer up and talk more to them ..
Why everytime i have to met this kind of person and this kind of issue?

Yes, we really good to each other ..
I don't mind for helping all the time when they need help..
But now im confuse, it's that worth ?
I care so much but do they ? Do the same to me?
Just say , ok la, dont angry la... nothing one, you think too much...
Saying all these, will clear the misunderstand ?

If everything like before, and NOT so obvious, i wont feel there's a gap between us and ...
and really felt you are the person that 无事不登三宝殿 ..
It's that really hard to taking care of both side?
Just like normal how we all communicate can already ma..
Now the thing you wanted already got it then ?
Forgotten the progress ? 打完齋,不要和尚? sorry im rude saying all these but this is what i felt..
and it's not only me to feel this ...

Tonite, thanks lih that acc me and fetch me out ..
I'm really sorry to those friends who are worried me so depress..
but i couldnt stand up because i facing my family and this kind of fucking issue happened to me every year ..
She keep on asking what happen ....
i only ask her, should i let go to someone who only find me when they need help ... ?
then awhile cold, awhile hot to me ?
When i need help .. where they went? just a message say , you will be okay or dont even want to chat with me and just reply Ooo, ok , lol , hmm , << this kind of reply?

well, her reply is yes.. let go .. dont care the fucking promises i made ..
yala, although i dont tell her so clearly .. but from reality view , i should let go ...
haizz, too bad, ngam ngam explore to a friend that i wanted to chat with him,
may be he's busy and i just ask him to get lost if don't wan to chat..
Stupid temper ....

really hope i think too much ...


1st way > continue like this, suffer that being treated as not an important person ...
2nd way > let it go, continue my lonely life alone ... without any friendship ... its hurt me into deep... im tired of facing this kind of prob again and again ...

Which i should choose?
damn it , i really accept bu dao chong se qing you de people...
now i know why they say they will leave him when he got gf ...
bcoz it's too over ady...

Well, there's another bitch in our group ... such a big lier ..
ask us for dinner and then said that she had period and then cancel the date..
but we saw her with other guy in village mall..
it's truly pissed me off and lucky, i left the group before i went out with lih ..
this group , is totally and already break in pieces ..
good job ...

Day 101