Saturday, October 1, 2011

- The day Rocky aka PuppyZai back UK

29. September 2011 Thursday . Day Light.

Today, Rocky is going back for his studies ...
thanks for him coming back this year ... thanks for his time spending with us for dota / haingout / movie and etc ...

Me and Xin Wei gonna give him a surprise ...
I went to facebook download rocky's photo and Xin Wei choose for it ...
She edit the photo and sentence ... and put in a photo album for him ...
We wan make Rocky feel touch and cry ... haha.. we r so bad ya ^^

After this , seem not enough for me.. So i plan to edit a photo video clip for him ...
I use those photo in the album and create the sentence...
Choosing the song are really make me headache ...
Cause those song , make me emo and feel down ...

why? cause he's leaving very soon and i will be alone in sp ...
im scare of the lonely feeling ...

I cant slp for whole night and i slept around 7am++
Afternoon 4pm+ went to fetch Rocky / Dolphin and Yin Neng ...
we send Rocky to Penang Airport and meet up Xin Wei and Eng Keat and 2 more friends there..

Rocky said he's so glad everyone are going and farewell to him ... All his true friends are there ..
He felt touch and so happy ...
We had our McD dinner there ..
Sure i wont let him pay ... i treat him the last meal in Malaysia ...
When we gave him the photo album and a card that full of our signs ...
He's so surprise ...
Before he leaving, all of us take photo together ....

Don't know why i dont feel sad or lonely when he's leaving...
but i felt im happy cause he's going to fight for his future... finally he's grow up and mature.. .
and i really happy cause his face showed that he's very happy and smile always ..
This like the rocky i knew be4.. always smile ..

After he leaving , i saw a girl name Wan Xin i think ... She cried... I know she's sad but she didnt show out ... That moment, i really feel down le ... Its sad to seperate with someone important to you...

Rocky he didnt cry .. Xin Wei said our mission failed.. but i saw rocky's eyes are red le .. So i think he endure the tears and might cry in the plane...

That night i facebook asked Rocky ... franky to tell me did he cry..
haha , he said he endure the tears and cry in the plane.. like what i thought ...
Nothing i can lie to him and nothing he can lie to me.. our heart are connected....
He's really my best bro ... To the best Rocky ... Will be there for u anytime when u need ...

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