Sunday, October 30, 2011

- 29 October 2011 Saturday

不知怎么说, 晚上很快就到了, 心里的心情很忐忑。不知晚上看到他会有什么的反应。。
整理好我的房间和去买些bbq要用到的东西 。 还好来的及, 6点就到了朋友家帮忙等下的bbq。。
不错一下, 很多人都出现。。 我和他也好像没什么事情发生, 有说话。。
看到每个人都开开心心的享受。。。 有说有笑。。
不过给我还是有点尴尬, 所以只好享受我喜欢烤bbq的过程, 也没什么吃东西。。
说真的, 自己是希望可以和他们一起到bbq结束。 可是有朋友要来我家过夜, 还是要提早回。。
看到他那么开心,自己也开心和认为一切都值得的。 心里也认为果然我选择相信他这个兄弟是没错的。

After that, i msg him after the party, asked how's the party going on and ++
well... he said thanks you for today to me...
It's kinda surprise that i read this message.. it's shock me and i felt what i did are worth...
I felt happy when reading this message...
The party quite successful and also need thanks to LiangZai....
Thinking wanna ask him for dinner on his b'day? but still scare...
scare to face him? or scare both of us 尴尬?
Btw, the babi he made, really delicious ..

Well, knowing both of us should be ok to be friend back, but still scare to find him out to yum cha...
That night, don't know why i dream we two become best friend back and hanging out with friends together ...

Yesterday - Friday night.. don't know why suddenly emo, i though i already wake up and stand up, but i realise that i still can't let go or can't accept we became like this .. ..
But so far after i woke up... i refresh myself again cause nobody like emo' people...

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