Wednesday, October 19, 2011

- Wake up call

well.. thing happen so long and i also tired already...
Everything past, just let it be and im lazy and dont want to mention it again...
Once mention back, i get hurt and depress again...

Just start all over again.. Like how we met first time...
It will be more relax for you i think ....
Hope two of us will really put down the past and walk forward to future with new mindset / image
i also no wan to argue which right who fault , its not important now...
just to say im truly deeply sorry for everything.. i willing to take all these blame and hope that can get your forgiveness ..
and thanks for all these month n everything... i did appreciate it and will never forget about the goods.

平常心面对。。。开心的面对。。微笑是最好的方法。。。 大家来笑一个。。

GOGOGO.... tomorrow onward.... fight for my future....

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