Thursday, October 20, 2011

- bad luck .... rest in peace...

using friend's macbook pro and writting my blog...
why? my laptop blackout, operation system not found...
after check, its my harddisk problem =.='' cannot initialize... wtf...

the staff at computer shop said, i can make harddisk recovery but need to pay RM1,8k ..
i think im gonna pay for it to recover my staff..
the note from my blog, the photo of me and my bros... are so important for me...
it's my only last memories with him, i dont want to lost it ...
and my external harddisk got no back-up of these...
please la god, dont play me le... it's the last memory for me... dont took it away from me...

why im so bad luck? come to office trying to use office desktop... and that desktop black out and cannot be open again. !!!!!o.O!!

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