Thursday, September 22, 2011

- Penang trip with ...... on 22.sept 2011

Today .... hanging out with PuppyZai, DolphinZai, Eng Keat and Xin Wei ....
First we went to gurney plaza to have lunch ....
Having our lunch at Sakae Sushi ...
Xin Wei having fun with photo snaping .. She used my camera and play around ...
There's many funny photo she took ...

After lunch, Xin wei and Puppy went to shopping...
Me and Dolphin went to arcade ...

until 5.10pm, Eng Keat reach gurney ...... then we go for our movie - Johnny English Reborn...
Not bad... It's funny ...

After movie, we went to Xuan Xin Buffet Steamboat ...Rocky like my recipe ... So went to make the tepanyaki for him ....
And me n rocky challange who can finish the prawn and crab first.. haha... ... no win no lose... draw game ^^ ...

After dinner, i just realise that i didn't think of what me and Thomas happened.... Just hope that if he's with us eat steamboat will be very nice , cause i promise to bring him here...
A bit surprise that i finally enjoy the moment hanging out with friend and i felt happy... May be because my didi - puppy there bah , i felt secure that im not alone ...

Then we went to Straight Quay .... Xin Wei crazy for Dslr edi .... totally been poison ..... the virus are so strong to atk her ... We took a lot nice photo from there ....

Almost 12am reach sp , drop Xin Wei home and three of us - puppy , me , dolphin go Ntech CC Dota and L4D ... haha.... by the time i reach home already 3am ...

It's very tired for me cause im the driver, but it's my last day have fun with my didi this years ...
He's going back to UK very soon... After he back, i will be alone in SP again ...

If im good luck, me and Thomas okay back, then .... haha ...

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