Saturday, October 8, 2011

- Hug daddy .... Love you so much daddy ...

It's has more than 10 years i didn't hug my dad...
This morning, i hug my dad and telling him thanks daddy taking care me so much when im sick...
Sorry to make him worry for me these weeks ...

I realise that, im like my dad...
We love each other and also other family members...
We don't show it out ...
Friends always say i put my friends more than family in my heart...
May be for them, i agree this....
But the important thing i know is , i care both side much ...
I don't know how to show my love to family members ...

But i will always be there, protecting them...
Stand out when they need me ...
I felt touch and cry because dad are so care and worry about me ...
I never felt this care from him for many years ....

Due to mum went to Indonesia weeks ago ....
The life in this house only me and my dad ...
I hanging out with dad to watch - Nasi Lemak 2.0 and having dinner together...
Wondering .... 10 more days ...
Left 10 more days.... Dad and mum going to Australia for 2 weeks ...
I gonna be home alone ... Alone without any people around me...

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