Monday, September 5, 2011

- 16 August 2011 Tuesday

Arhh... Sei Thomas , silent the phone, i keep on calling him for morning call to wake up him, Lucky his bro Kelvin can wake up by my call.. N Thomas told me thanks for calling ...
Today Cindy asked me in FB wanna outing together with me and Thomas....
Im so sui siao today, my car got problem.. tiao ...

Tonight got badminton game .. Me Rocky and Thomas going ... So happy me and Thomas still can synchro when badminton.. he's my best badminton partner ever ... Too bad he told me he's headache and not going supper with me and keep on saying sorry to me =.='' zha dao.. Bang, i understand la.. so dont put on mind.. i hope he rest well too .. so ask him rest early n not to make us worried him lo.. Because he slept late every night .. around 2am++ and have to woke up in early morning to work until night =.=''

- 17 August 2011 Wednesday

Movie day... Having movie with Thomas , Ken , Hawkzai and Whalezai.. Fortune buddies.. really funny enought ...
Thomas told me he cant go genting le... kena scold jor.. really sorry to him

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