Friday, September 4, 2009

The Day that pissed me off and emo-ing

This early morning i woke up around 8am. Its so early for me yet but why i woke up so early ? I dream a nightmare and its make me whole day emo-ing and bad mood.

I was so scared n worried about the dream and why i dream about that? I don't know what should i do or which way is the right decision for me. Confusing ...

Finished math class at 12pm and went to eat japanese food but because of my wisdom teeth, i cant eat the salmon and teriyaki T_T then i mix my rice with the miso soup.. drink it =.='' LOL! sound weird right?

2pm continue the class until 4pm.The moment we finished class, we snap some picture together with our lecturer.
After that, we went to queensbay mall to watch final destination 4 , OMFG its was so fake compare with season 3. But still ok, not bad.. because i enjoyed the moment with my friends - beng choon , carin n chui yee.
Before the movie show start , i play Initial d arcade stage 5 for around 8 games including instore battle with other players..

We finished our movie show at 7.30pm and on the way back to hostel.
There is a fucking asshole brainless bullshit idiot stupid van's driver. Keep on cut in my line without any signal light and everytime almost bang to my car. Finally i pissed, Bankai ... now my turn to do the same thing with him, and i saw his van was very near my back. I press the brake and stop my car and start moving my car again.. For before, he sure kena i fucked off and follow him until he reached his house and settle him up!

Anyway.. just dont know why im so emo and sad for whole day. i cant forgot the dream T_T its like already save in my mind!! How ? what to do to forget about it?

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