Monday, September 7, 2009

6 Sept 2009 Sunday - Boring Day

9.05am fatty hao sms me for asking what is my email address for my msn. Its wake me up from my sweet dream ... After i reply i continue back to my dream. But its take me around 15 min to get back my dream T_T

10am something my didi - Rocky sms me ......FAINT.... cant sleep well..

In the end.. i woke up at 2pm LOL ... and lying on my bed watching Hong Kong

drama until 3am and went to CIMB bank to bank in money .

4.30pm... Ting Hong finally wake up.. after he bath around 5pm we having out breakfast + lunch + tea at Penang New World Park ... But i cant eat alot because of my wisdom teeth %$#@#$%^

After lunch i do some revision for my math because final exam is near ... 2 more days .. But still confuse for this stupid business math.. Dont understand we need to use what formula to answer the question.

9pm.. I having my dinner together with Ting Hong , Cat and Chui Yee but unfortunately my dear is not here because she still at her home town.. Back to hostel around 10pm..

11pm Having supper with Stephen , Aaron and Ting Hong .. LOL... whole day eat ? no lar.. i just have a teh o ice ... but ITS TASTE LIKE AIR KOSONG .. oOo

Before 12am i reached my hostel and continue my drama and fb-ing and msn with Matthew and carin..

Chatting in msn..... bla this bla that.. and i keep dreaming wanna Matthew come over to Penang continue his study with us and hope he will be more happy in Penang. I was dreaming when we move in our new apartment or condo what can we do and bla bla etc..

I plan after my final exam .. i wanna finish my Gundam Wing ver.ka .. Because its already almost 1 year i having finish it LOL

Here is some of the photo.. Have a look:

Hope You Enjoy For My Gundam XD

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