Saturday, September 5, 2009

04.09.2009 Friday

Early morning, i received a very touching sms from my god brother ( Rocky ) ...
He said :
Kor, i know i have brought a lot of ma fan and fan nao to you and now this , asking you to help me saying im going to your place, because i want to spend more time with my lao po and about the human being.
You advice me, gave me confidence, making me less worried and your words are the truth .. Is me being useless and not believing you and my gf and the most is myself.
Lastly, I pull everybody down. I believe in you a lot and i'm very happy to have a bro like you.
God gave me a good bro like you and believe me , i will appreciate this brotherhood till the end of my life , till i breath the last breath of my life.. thank you, kor kor.

When i read this sms, i was shocked and reply to him what happen? Lucky he said nothing happen and he is on the way to genting. Hahaha i though he want to do what stupid thing LOL =.=''
I saved the message and i felt very touching for this sms. Its make me felt like i really done my responsibility for a brother or a friend. I hope that our friendship + brotherhood will be stand forever and ever .

In my mind that moment, i'm thinking how we knew each other and what happened to us before... he knew me in centre square bowling centre. That time im training spinner bowl everyday there and he knew some of my friend and he come to say hi. I cant remember the date but i remember its year 2005 when im form 5.

After that will always meet up to bowl everyday after class LOL. Before the bowl we having our lunch together. Year 2006 ... i'm going to Penang for study. He already form 5 and having the SPM ... we seldom meet up for bowling anymore.

If i not mistaken we had contact each other at year 2008 and we played dota together with Blue - Jia Yong , Sora Angel - Kon Chie , Eng Keat and Eng Neng.
I feel so shame for the last year x'mas. We quarrel because of DOTA !! After that, i QUIT DOTA . I said to myself, DOTA make me quarrel with my best friend, my didi.. i can't forgive myself . Really SORRY about that. I remember i was drinking the beer and playing DOTA with u all that time in GG Cafe ( SP two ). Hope Rocky will forgive what i done to him... and in the future... I know when i start emo, very hard to clam down myself and i may do something that i can't control.


12.15pm, my dear finished her class and came to my hostel because i said i wanna fetch her back to BM. around 1.45PM , it rained.. a heavy rain... i slow down my speed on the bridge and high way .... because of this i was late to fetch my sister at juru. Sorry for letting her for waiting so long... i think got 30 minit LOL.. pai seh nia XDDD

When reach SP , i email Chui Yee her english revision and have a snap. Around 8pm i awake from my dream.. the dream was so confuse.. i dreamed a guy that betray me... and i tried to sms him asked him when he wanna add up my msn, do him really want to become friend again with me trough his heart? He reply that will add me later... now 4.44am, i haven't received any msn request.

9pm reach my Nigel + Shawn's house.. Nigel is the only one of my godbrother and Shawn is Nigel's brother ( they are twin ). Hmm. also can say that both of them is my cousin =.='' Fetch Nigel , Shawn and Wei En to Old Town Cafe at Legenda Height.. We crap alot until 11.15pm and i asked for " Swim Car River ". I feel Wei En got something happen to me.. why? Because he didn't talk to me and he just answer what im asking him.. i don't know why he wanna to be like that but it's already normal for me because he always like that.

11.55pm i reached home. I ask mum when she are free wanna discuss about the STG with her. She said that u can say it now. Then i start to explain how STG help us to earn money, may be this is fake or may be is true.. but i want to take a try on this to test my skill.

Mum knew i don't have the catalog now because i said the coursework is not here now and she keep on insulting to me. Finally i'm pissed. I scolded back to what she is talking and say " MA DE YOU " then go into my room and locked myself inside.

My heart feel so hurt , i am so weird.. why i scold that to my mum.. i plan tomorrow to buy her favorite food cake to apologize.. and i also disappointed.. i want to see my family that why i came back to hometown today but .... i quarrel with my mum.. i disappointed to myself why im so emotional these few day , why i so easy to get angry .. izziz final exam is coming and i was stress on it? or other reason ?

Mum sorry.. i knew in ur heart u must be very sad now.. i can feel ur tears ...

3am.. i read my lecturer Jonnathan's Blog.. Its was VERY VERY TOUCHING.. He sending his message to his sister almost everyday... my tears is coming out when reading his blog..

Friends... please zhen xi everyday and persons around you....
Please Love them.
Please DO NOT lie to them.
Please use your heart to treat them.

Soon, you will get reply ....... Have a nice day to everyone in my life !!!

P/S : I love you all ~ My family , My Friends , My dear and My Didi

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