Wednesday, September 9, 2009

8 Sept 2009


Lazy to mention it again... i confirm lose 23 marks in my math papers.. I forgot the formula =.=

12pm having lunch with my friends at sunrise MCD and celebrate Chee Yong's Birthday .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~~

BUT ... my bee money was stolen by someone . although i donno who is that person but i feel so angry and emo .. In the end .. i already 26 hours haven't eat and not even drink... gonna break my record... 12 hours more~

Malay puasa i puasa.. but seem like i puasa more pro than them XD .

Having a long nap for whole afternoon until night.. before that i got chat with ah hao - fatty .. He msn me and i seem like ... confuse @.@ donno what to do bla bla bla... and we crap alot in the msn LOL ..

10.30pm ... eat dinner with my bee and thin ah hao... and then drop my bee back to her hostel because she got class tomorrow early morning ..

Sweet Dream all my readers

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