Wednesday, August 29, 2012

- 18th August 2012 Saturday

18th August 2012 Saturday

holiday ... hari raya... 
sleep late late ^^ sleep until 3pm++ only wake up..
and my phone full of miss call and sms .. 
call back 1 by 1 ... guan lai every1 looking me to hang out together and movie.. 
aiya, i missed it ... 

nvm lur.. continue nua bed, then go out eat something with nell ..
bt didnt eat much ar..
coz want to keep stomach for tonight.. 
my cousin date me for dinner ...
he complain that want to have appointment with me... need book few weeks or months before..
weee..... i seem like a boss.. 
got people fetch me... 
went to kawazu japanese restaurant ... 
order quite many food .. 

we talked about our future, teaching him how to chase girl 
( he's too good and dono how to get girl yet ) 
so this job sure is me this bad n notty cousin teach him la.. 
hehehe ^^ 
then listen to him about his working life... stress on work thing ..bla bla...
after awhile john called me ... 
he asked got futsal boh ? wait until 8.45pm liao.. 
boh lang come ..

i O.O !! so he came here to meet me up and give me back my camera ..
and he gave me a plastic bag.. o.o?? souvenior from combonia .. 
walao... i shock... got sim got sim ... 
then he jiu cabut go yum cha wif frd edi... 

my cousin say this frd seem good also wor..
go overseas aso buy thing for me .. 
i also @@ blur blur .. but really thanksful lo .. unexpected de thing hehe... 
then me n cousin discuss going whr walk walk later..
cincai say penang eat 2nd round lo.. he on ..
i stunned there and ask again.. u sure? 
yea pretty sure.. he replyed me .. 

erm.... but we both quite full..
and he said wan bring me go sell ^^ 
so he throw me go back my house take my phone charger..
then getting of of sp tol ...
orzzzzzzzzz O.O'' 

he bring me along until kulim .... 
and use old road from there .. 
pass by kuala ketil .... back to sp... 
wow... nice swim car river ... 
and some more can enjoy fire cracker there... 
really have a nice day with him .... and also thanks for the dinner ^^ ( i makan free ) 

20th August 2012 Monday

swimming lo ...
swiss inn ... we coming .. 
going to swimming with fkling and clez.. 
teach clez correct his swimming style..
a small mistake ... and teach fkling how to swim also..
then i say... 你们也有今天了,叫我 ketua  吧。。 
hehe... they say me back i wont 得逞 long long de.. 

after swim, go to eat dim sum ...
dim sum near legenda height .. 
yue bing lou if not mistaken .. 
hungry ar... 
eat a lot ... my har kao ... makan byk byk ... 
no har kao no life ... weee weee... 
suddenly rmb, gt a frd sipek suka eat xiu mai n nt reli like har gao coz niam niam..
^^ frget it bah.. thing past ... wash brain wash brain ... 
after dim sum... 
me as driver duty is to bring them back home lo... 

then wait until 4pm++ ..
wait for clez call ...
bcoz 3 of us wanna go penang walk walk and *local foods*..
1st destination is .. beach .. 
coz both of them still full =.='' 
i hungry like dog liao.. 
nvm, go beach walk walk see leng lui ..
took many pic from there... 
got assissin girl, small girl/boy... fat de.. thin de..
big de, small de, leng de , group of frds de..
and we saw a guy .... :FOREVER ALONE: playing sand there..
and his frd .. we assume that is his frd... 
playing ball around there.. 
and he's jst sitting beside there play with the sand =.=''

after beach, we go s,quay... walk around there then heading to batu fringgi ..
the hawker stall.. boom full... 
have to wait beside the table T_T ... 
waited for 30mins only got seat..
then we order few nice food lai eat lo..
ikan bakar, sotong goreng, char koey teow, fried oyster..
pan cake, man chang cake, ++ 

erm, eat full le jiu go walk walk ... 
night market at batu fringgi ... 
see how they make sales there..
geng ... clez boss say nxt time wan go the ship makan ^^
hell yea... 
and i saw many massage shop at there..
hmm.. thinking got that kind of service or not ..
the price quite cheap also.. considering to bring john come try also.. 

well, almost 11pm... time to go back... 
quite tired for me... sleep not enough T_T .. 
slow slow drive back... chit chat there..
and then we discuss to have a date to play bowling ..
clez is my sifu lai.. teach me play spinner ^^ 

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