Saturday, July 14, 2012

- Moody

 - Moody

hais... so many previous blog post i had wrote in notepad..
and i ter-del..
have to cut down so many thing to post on May and June ... 
now i remember why i lazy to update it ... 
bcz hv to write back the same thing..
drag ar drag.. drag dao now forgot lolx .. 

recently i found out that jk n zl quite caring to me..
although they use straight forward de way...
but sometimes really out of my expectation that what they done to me.. 
but i keep on telling myself... 
we are just normal friends... very normal ... 
i really scared to get close to peoples.. 
thanks to that one who betray me... 
its all about my foolish to trust him when people ask me to take distance with him..
careful about him ... 

still cant believe that i still cannot let go of the past.. 
had to admit that im too ego on this incident .. 
one day, a friend said something and made me remind back of him..
the same sentence .. a carinng words .. 
a best friends became stranger ... really in worse situation ... 

now, every sadness, stress, have to bare it ownself ..
cant find anyone to talk about it.. 
1st it might let other feel its annoyed ..
2nd, really dont want let other to know how pain is inside my heart.. 
just want be a guy who always happy n smile infront of them.. 
stress on d work, thinking how to feed my parents in the future.. 
money is the main problem... 
i don't really worried about my networking connection ... 
but just worried about my ability to take over dad's biz.. 

worried about my health ... 
my bio' times totally ... 
im like follow-ing uk'times .. 
sometime have to skip my lunch due to busy work ..
really office dont hv a clerk sipek mafan .. 
wait dao worker all makan, i got nth can eat.. 

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