Thursday, July 12, 2012

May and June Story

May and June Story

Having a awesome and busy months.. 
until dont have time to update the blog.. 
register for empire gym centre and start to work up..
every night also fully booked... 
monday n thursday night have to go penang, tuesday futsal..
left wednesday friday n saturday can go for gym or massage .. 
and sunday hang out with friends ..

sometime, sohai jk siok siok jio go dinner at penang =.='' 
really not enuf time to rest.. 
cnt remember which day, shawn came to find me out ...
he told me, finally you are free today ... 
haha i told him, i reject all my date tonight and plan to stay at house ... 
lucky shawn find me around 11pm+12am like that... 

July coming, wk n puppy coming back from uk...
weeehiuuu ... 
i keep on waiting, thinking bring them go where cari makan.. ^^ 
end of june, i join jk n zl go futsal... 
met back 3~5 old friends that we used to play football n pingpong together... 
my position = goalie ... 
old already, cannot run jor.. lolx.. 
7 years never touch football ... i though i might become noob a lot..
but 1st day i went, everyone praise me best keeper =.='' 
but i can see that im not good as last time already... 
save a lot on target ball, dangerous ball ... 
quite happy that i still got chance to play the sport that i love the most.. 

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