Sunday, July 15, 2012

11 July 2012 Wednesday

11 July 2012 Wednesday

orzz.... another night  i insomia ...
erm,, could said i slept at 12am+ and woke up around 2.45am...
then cannot sleep until 6am..
early morning, wk n puppy call boom my phone =.=''
then i only can wake up.. around 8.15am..

damn .. i fast fast go bath n go pick puppy...
dim sum at da you bin again ..
v reli makan a lot sia ....
especially me n puppy ...
3 person makan... eat dao rm77 =.=''

the aunty there aso tell us, finish eat baru take.. its seem a lot .. ^^ 
fuiyoh.. me n wk say aunty cannot leh... we boleh makan one... especially got puppy there..
so many bao... i kena them diu eat byk bao @@ ... 

finish makan, i gonna say bye bye to them edi.. coz have to work ..
be4 we leaving ...
we suggest that lets have dota tonight ...

we jio ah nan, wk, jk , zl , puppy,wk n me ...
6 ppl play dota at ntech ...
what the wonderful game ... chi kek sia ~ ~
sei jk buy divine lagi =.='' n drop the divine ... TROLL ~

play dao 12.30am baru go home =.=''
tired sei...

3th July 2012

3th July 2012

having breakfast with heng wei and melissa ^^
long time no see you edi bro ...
miss u 99 ...
heading to da you bin makan dim sum ...
although i only slept 3 hrs that night coz too excited to meet up them ...
but i didnt feel sleepy at all ..

had some discussion with him about our future ...
talking about how our life goes on ....
gambatte yea...

14.7.2012 Saturday dream...

14.7.2012 Saturday

What a nice dream ...
woke up with a nice dream..
i dream about you suddenly talked to me..
ask how am i recently ...
its seem like u had let go what i hurt you last time ..
and then we have a few hours chat at mamak...

okay la, atleast an wei a bit ...
but i think there's only 0.001% that we can friend back ..
anyway.. be strong my pal ... relax ur mind when you are stress yae ^^

Saturday, July 14, 2012

- Moody

 - Moody

hais... so many previous blog post i had wrote in notepad..
and i ter-del..
have to cut down so many thing to post on May and June ... 
now i remember why i lazy to update it ... 
bcz hv to write back the same thing..
drag ar drag.. drag dao now forgot lolx .. 

recently i found out that jk n zl quite caring to me..
although they use straight forward de way...
but sometimes really out of my expectation that what they done to me.. 
but i keep on telling myself... 
we are just normal friends... very normal ... 
i really scared to get close to peoples.. 
thanks to that one who betray me... 
its all about my foolish to trust him when people ask me to take distance with him..
careful about him ... 

still cant believe that i still cannot let go of the past.. 
had to admit that im too ego on this incident .. 
one day, a friend said something and made me remind back of him..
the same sentence .. a carinng words .. 
a best friends became stranger ... really in worse situation ... 

now, every sadness, stress, have to bare it ownself ..
cant find anyone to talk about it.. 
1st it might let other feel its annoyed ..
2nd, really dont want let other to know how pain is inside my heart.. 
just want be a guy who always happy n smile infront of them.. 
stress on d work, thinking how to feed my parents in the future.. 
money is the main problem... 
i don't really worried about my networking connection ... 
but just worried about my ability to take over dad's biz.. 

worried about my health ... 
my bio' times totally ... 
im like follow-ing uk'times .. 
sometime have to skip my lunch due to busy work ..
really office dont hv a clerk sipek mafan .. 
wait dao worker all makan, i got nth can eat.. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012



wk everyday msg to me said that remember to pick him at airport..
ask me jio many ppl ... 
haha, me , ken n puppy went to airport to pick him...
then go cari makan..
plan to find zul's burger but failed..
end up we go to eat bak kut teh and lok lok ... 
go kaki liao lo... badminton ^^ 
organize badminton ... 
and my mistaken i forgot puppy n dragonzai ... they ... 
lucky saw them got good conversation and nothing happen... 
hui  ~ ~ heng ar...  

then i ask puppy, he say he though is other and shock ...
but ok la.. forget all the past ... play badminton ma... 
its good for me to see both of them friend back .. ^^ 
its worth for me rush back from kl and directly join them badminton.. 
see good news there ^^ 

hmm... now finding a date to hang out dinner with jk n zl..
owe them a meal... 
coz i got luck on june ... 
every night on june really cannot sleep well...
chi kek nia..
day day sleep at morning 6am++ n go work at 9am+ ... 
really chimkology enuf ..
like zombie while working ... 

May and June Story

May and June Story

Having a awesome and busy months.. 
until dont have time to update the blog.. 
register for empire gym centre and start to work up..
every night also fully booked... 
monday n thursday night have to go penang, tuesday futsal..
left wednesday friday n saturday can go for gym or massage .. 
and sunday hang out with friends ..

sometime, sohai jk siok siok jio go dinner at penang =.='' 
really not enuf time to rest.. 
cnt remember which day, shawn came to find me out ...
he told me, finally you are free today ... 
haha i told him, i reject all my date tonight and plan to stay at house ... 
lucky shawn find me around 11pm+12am like that... 

July coming, wk n puppy coming back from uk...
weeehiuuu ... 
i keep on waiting, thinking bring them go where cari makan.. ^^ 
end of june, i join jk n zl go futsal... 
met back 3~5 old friends that we used to play football n pingpong together... 
my position = goalie ... 
old already, cannot run jor.. lolx.. 
7 years never touch football ... i though i might become noob a lot..
but 1st day i went, everyone praise me best keeper =.='' 
but i can see that im not good as last time already... 
save a lot on target ball, dangerous ball ... 
quite happy that i still got chance to play the sport that i love the most.. 

One day trip to Genting on MAY 2012

One day trip to Genting 25 MAY 2012

orzz... really cant believe that we really one day trip to genting..
Jk came to my house over night, and we really did sohai thing that night..
if not mistaken, both of us only sleep not more than 15~30mins =.='' 
4am we reach zl's house and heading to auto city mcd for breakfast.. 
wtf zl n jk play storm warrior n 拳王 infront of the counter of mcd early morning =.='' 
the staff looking at them and give us a smile ... 

3 days ago we still discussing where to go for one day trip since got holiday...
penang ar, ipoh ar, taiping ar.... guning jerai ..bla bla...
then i aso simply say kia, genting .. 
all ON .. =.='' 
i tot it's was joking only ... manatau , now we are really going to genting ...

6am, finish our breakfast and continue our trip ... 
change driver to jk drive after i pass ipoh ... 
and i continue my dream... sleep awhile first... eyes @@ cant open edi...
having a sweet dream inside the car, and suddenly i heard someone said ..
woi, faster reach petrol station ... fast... popi popi .. 
i open my eyes and look to the meter there..
WTF,  the petrol meter tak jiam at E =.='' 
god damn.. guan lai they miss the previous petrol station =.='' 

drive 20km++ finally got one petrol station..
but is under renovation =.=''
three of us direct face green !!!! 
then me n jk say zl why u so mouth busuk say the station close.. dafuq..
then we keep on moving... turn into somewhere ... 
ask the tol's ppl where is the petrol station..
they told us, go straight and turn left.... then u can see edi..
the left side... need drive about 2km only can see petrol station=.=''
all of us scared like &*^%$%$@^%#^$&%&*^!@#$%^&*()

after full pump the car, my turn to drive .... wakakkaaaa 
genting mountain.... nice ... 
but pity the passenger although i control my speed down to 60~80 ... 
around 9am++ we reach genting edi... 
go to the tokong there walk walk, pai pai first.. 
and then we having our breakfast at Hou Mei .... 
finish makan, casino =.='' 
my first time play in genting casino.. 

change 200bucks to play... 
the feeling of gambling, damn excited .. 
i lose 100bucks on playing big small..
left 100 bucks, go play banker and player... 
min bet 100 =.='' 
my last chance .... 
1st game, draw =.='' my heart pumping so fast there...
2nd game, lucky win ... 200 bucks back... 
continue 3rd game .... dafuq .. lose .... 
4th game, draw again .... 
continue my bet .... nvr stop.... and won ...
become 200bucks back @@
hmm.... try one more hand, and win 100...

300bucks on hand and zl ask me to stop already... 
true story, better dont so greedy...
then we go back to jk there... 
he won quite a lot money from big/small =.='' 
hell yeah.. got ppl treat makan .. lolx... 

around 5pm++, we end our journey and go back to sp..
otw back, three of us still cant accept that we really went genting..
and we don't hv such feeling tat we already been there in this morning ..