Sunday, May 13, 2012

Down =.=''

why they still appear in my dream ?
i know something that spoken out, cannot to take back .. 
hurt... it's already hurt u.. i know
i admit its really my fault being stubborn and im really sorry .. 
i just hope that atleast we can become friend ... 
not like stranger ..

9 months ady... 
3 more months then 1 years.. 
so long edi, the anger still there? 
but i guess the scar was there forever ... 
it seem like cant be cure .. 

its really affect me so much ... 
my life ... 
sp ... a full of memories place for me ..
 see back the photo we taken in penang ... 
seoul garden and s.quay photo..
the only photo i left in my disk drive.. 

why i jst rmb all these past ? 
can say, i really had a good times with this frd ... 
a frd that always holding me when i need...
wont let me fall down so easily .. 
giving me advice ... cheer me up ... 
a frd that i can share everything .... 
become the situation like this... nobody want ... 
i blieve that u also sad bcoz of losing a friend ... 
perhaps ... 

this lesson teach me to appreciate everyone beside me... 
control my emotion ... 
i did... 
but, when peoples wan to defame me... i cant control ... 
its really critical hit to defame me to someone that i care.. 
but i know i cant change anything .. i cant even do a thing to make it clear... 

went to event " outing with canon " today.. 
i wonder, will see u there? 
if we r still frds, may be we will go tgt bah ~ 


if a girl defame all his ex when she break up ,
create her own story... 
become 3rd party of frd's love relationship..
she's a good girl ? i jst know one word can describe her... cheap 
you deserved a better one .... 
if  you think its worth that losing a frd that treating u good, 
then ... go ahead.. 
becoz i know there's no point for me to hold back .. 
everything u dont like.. 
then complain ... even family .. pls... be mature..
throw away ur xiu yeah pei hei ... 

i no anymore see d k.m.Rider W edi.. 
i think that, if he throw away... 
it jst a waste... 
im still taking care the stuff that not belong to me .. 
waiting to give back .. 
atleast be steady .. like a man .. and its my responsible .. 

i don't know why recently so many secondary skol frd asking me...
what happen between me n her .. 
i jst tell them , let it lo... i dont care... u know i know lo... 
wtever u guy think bah, i lazy mention about it also ...

i jst felt that why im so stupid ..
treating this frd so good... worth? 
end up what i got? 
haha... really funny .. may be tis is what i owe him whn im in another soul and in another world..
good luck 


facing family prob..
really stress me much..
look at dad having weak body..
always sick now.. 
and someone start her move wanted to grab dad's biz..
even teach dad how to sell car.. =.='' 
bring a lot trouble to us ... 
i dont even dare to take my salary from him.. 
d brain jst thinking how to learn his biz..
how and what can i do then only i can help him.. 

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