Saturday, May 12, 2012

- 26 April 2012 Thursday

- 26 April 2012 Thursday
quite a busy and packed day for me ..
need to finish jpj work be4 4pm and go penang ....
whole day didnt eat for my lunch and breakfast T_T
hungry  ~ ~ ~
by 5pm ... reach penang...
went to new world park ..
makan... cannot tahan edi....
chicken chop and curry mee ^^
eat full full ...
then continue d class at 7.30pm..

Finish class...
rush back sp ...
drop nell at village mall and fly to Ntech ...
have to pick up john to over night at my house ...
be4 that, we had our supper together with Lastorm...

around 12am... home sweet home ~  ~

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