Monday, May 28, 2012

- 29 April 2012 sunday

29 April 2012 sunday

last day in kl ..
everyone sleep like pig today ..
woke up around 10am++
prepare all siap siap...
then called ming yik ...
he wanna bring us to makan lunch ... byk bagus punya place..
check out around 11.15am..
coz he said meet there around 11.30am ..
manatau... we reach there around 11.25am..
and they still havent come out yet...
so we jiu go swim car river ..
swim chinese graveyard behind there...
go tokong... and there's a primary skol inside..
tot got chio bu to see... but it's sunday =.='' holiday..

around 12pm++ they reached...
order cha xiu there... crab .. vege ... ++
for me... the cha xiu .. sipek nice ...
but not cheap lo the price =.=''

makan byk byk.. eat full full and say bye bye to them ...
really thanks to them bring us eat so many ho liao in KL..
not easy can find nice food in KL ...

then we need to reach sp before 6pm...
coz john nid help his dad close office ...
fly lai fly go ~ ~ 5pm++ sampai his office le...
was a tiring trip but meaningful ...

becoz of bersih, i gain three friends that we war together ^^

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