Monday, May 28, 2012

- 29 April 2012 sunday

29 April 2012 sunday

last day in kl ..
everyone sleep like pig today ..
woke up around 10am++
prepare all siap siap...
then called ming yik ...
he wanna bring us to makan lunch ... byk bagus punya place..
check out around 11.15am..
coz he said meet there around 11.30am ..
manatau... we reach there around 11.25am..
and they still havent come out yet...
so we jiu go swim car river ..
swim chinese graveyard behind there...
go tokong... and there's a primary skol inside..
tot got chio bu to see... but it's sunday =.='' holiday..

around 12pm++ they reached...
order cha xiu there... crab .. vege ... ++
for me... the cha xiu .. sipek nice ...
but not cheap lo the price =.=''

makan byk byk.. eat full full and say bye bye to them ...
really thanks to them bring us eat so many ho liao in KL..
not easy can find nice food in KL ...

then we need to reach sp before 6pm...
coz john nid help his dad close office ...
fly lai fly go ~ ~ 5pm++ sampai his office le...
was a tiring trip but meaningful ...

becoz of bersih, i gain three friends that we war together ^^

Friday, May 18, 2012

- Day 2 in KL 28 April 2012 Saturday

Day 2 in KL 28 April 2012 Saturday

Day of BERSIH 3.0
A day to create history in Malaysia..
woke up around 9am plus .. 
prepare up everything ..
and walk to jalan sultan from jalan maharajalela ..
early morning, already so many peoples jor..
so we just follow them... 

i guess the police might feel scare to see so many ppls there..
walk to 7-11 buy some water and bread ..
for our breakfast..
so crowd there.. have to walk slowly.. 
and we saw a guy cosplaying yellow rangers ... 
taking photo with MaMa committee ... 
even asking people sit down..
they also can make a song ..
duduk.. duduk duduk duduk....duduk....duduk... 
chim nia =.=''

and i was fucking up to meet up with r.cain ..
=.='' he somemore trolling me say that ... 
im at middle of d road... standing under the tree and wearing YELLOW cloth ..
i was like .. O.O dafuq? everyone wearing yellow today dude... 
keep on stading front line .. walk with them..
we sing .... we shout bersih ...
sing negaraku ...
shout that n@j!b turun, B/\/ turun ... 
it was my first time listen n join them to shout all these thing in public..
my first time singing negaraku with so many peoples..
malays. chinese...indian... foreigner ( most of them are husband of mysian girl )...
helping each other.. old folks ... 
everyone that love for their country~

It's quite surprise me that even foreigner also support us ...
we stop lynas.... want bersih...
wan clear election ... fair election ...
fight better future for our son/our friends/our family and Malaysia~ 
Passing ballon , big ballon balls ... 
and i saw Anwar also .. 

It's a hot days... but everyone dont care for it... 
it's was a  peace rally .. 
what u can see is ... full of peoples... 
its more than 10k peoples in majis jemek .. 
Me n lastorm is kepo mood to join bersih..
but after i experience ... 
i felt proud... i proud that we taking part of history ...
we fight the future for everyone..
better than those people sit infront of computer and bullshit and deny for bersih.

around 3.15pm.. 
the person who lead us... say settle already... can bersurai jor..
inside there already settle talk with the police.. 
so ok lo... we keep on move to front..
bcoz we cant walk back edi.. its crowd ...
may be can leave this street if we keep on moving ..

but after 3 to 5 mins... 
the police start to shoot tear gas.. 
in 1 mins... can see they shoot more than 10 shots.. 
then everyone run ... 
but me ... i sure wont forget to take video n photo la.. ^^ 
but the tear gas.. 
really cham..
u can feel spicy inside ur mouth, eyes, nose... lungs... 

cant open ur eyes... 
i jst know that we holding each other hand tight ..
and move backward .. 
walk into majis jamek ..
i heard they said ... the people in majis open for us to get into ..
then i can see everyone helping each other there... 
providing them water to wash eyes..
eat salt... 
sharing the salt and waters ... 

and there's a aunty and her daughter... 
talk to me... talking about government..
and her daughter took my photo =.=''
said that warrior in bersih that she met..
lolx ..

looking to those police how shoot tear gas to us ..
how they whack peoples ...
feel sad.. 
stuck inside majis for 2 hours... 
around 6pm++ start to walk back... 
and saw a guy pengsan and  st.john members r trying their best to wake him up...
a few days later... read newspaper, there's a guy bcoz of tear gas and 
lack of oxegen and pass away.. i wonder is that him ? 
becoz the cloth n pants are same ... assume that is him edi..

when we otw walking back ..
a guy running to us and scream lari lari... 
guan lai police wan catch peoples lagi ... 

wait for awhile and we keep on walk back ...
then we walk pass a street... 
there's only few peoples there ..
include us only 10++
and our right hand side are those police... 
then we ignore and move forward..
then the police shot tear gas to us =.='' wtf..
then everyone run ..

but then, i run back to shot photo and take video... 

when arrive hotel,
open facebook...
the majis we stay just now..
now kena water canon.. =.=''
walao eh, the majis only one entrance ... 
peoples are taking rest there..
and they shot water inside..
they dont even respect their agama .. their allah ...

i felt so sad to see how our mys government so sohai...
and the news showed that more than 30k peoples to join BERSIH 3.0
my cousin is in dataran merdeka..
he gai lo.. 
kena gas, kena water canon... 
somemore got planning to run jor ... 
where to run ... 
pro ... 

After bath... 
Take LTR to .. to.. er... donno wt place name edi..
and min yi pick up us at there with his gf..
bring us go makan steamboat..
ho liao ~ 
sipek ho liao ~ 
especially the pork ... 
damn fucking ho liao ~ ~ 
and that moment i just realise that i didnt eat for whole day =.=''

and felt a bit headache and dizzy ..
somemore kena tear gas... 
no appetite at all but lucky ... the pork save me ... 
i eat the most for the pork ... hahaha... 

Then her gf fetch us to cc... 
pia dota... 
so many retarded players =.='' 
and fucking annoying .. 
well, we playing local area network .. 
but beh tahan ... shoot 9 him ..
dont care he's our teamate or not..
keep on blaming sentinel mh or what..
mh so what? cont play d game n play push lo.. 

After a few games, went to BRJ mamak stall right beside d cc makan..
although the burger infront d cc are famous n delicious...
but the queue ... so long =.='' give up ... 

After supper, kenny's gf pick us up and taking us back to hotel...

A meaningful day for me... 
I did something for my country ... my friends n family ..
if they want to deny it... i don't mind.. 
one day when they wake up.. they will know what's our country facing ..
how is our government ... 


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

- Day 1 in KL 27 April 2012 Friday

- 27 April 2012 Friday

woke up at 4...
erm, can say woke up at 3.30am...
only sleep 1 and half hour..
can't sleep well...
ah john so like to kick people when sleeping =.=''
go to prepare all my thing and wake ah john to bath..

4.30am reach Lastorm house..
keep our ka chang in hidden part inside d car..
just in case any road block..
but we hungry la...
me n john sipek hungry there..
and sei lastorm eat d bread he bring =.=''

suak ~ we go autocity mcd makan...
dafuq two of them .. one act 烈风, one act 拳王.
the staff infront of counter always laugh ..
somemore action many... the pose also out ...

finish makan.. kenyang kenyang ...

hmm talking shit inside the car..
and i don't feel tired even im driving ... 
just listen to john n lastorm talk shit ....
coz i half ear listen to my song ... and lazy to talk... 
at perhentian station... 
we curious why there's a car didnt matikan engine..
and say go kacau steal car n lari..
then leave his car 1km after d station..

tapi hor.. guan lai got people sleeping inside =.=''
after take a short break..
they all like fucking scared =.=''
ipoh mountain... 
they dare me to masuk longkang ... do like initial D..
i was like =.='' orz... and tell them please dont dare me leh.... 
lastorm sitting behind... 
close both of his eyes...
john also close his eyes .. act dono.. 
i felt im driving slow there... 
but they said.. i drive slow... 120km/h ... ya slow...
but corner also 120km/h ~ 130km/h ..

i was like O.O?? got meh ? swt ... somemore i eat lining ...
so the car turn a bit a bit nia ... 
after that, switch john drive... 
i need take a short break...

NOW ... is my turn to scare =.=''
i drive 120~130 in high way straight road..
john he drive 140~170km/h ..
oh my god.... i wear safety belt ..
the hand holding the handle ... 
my heart is like ... ^$%%#@%#^@^$#&$ 

kena shoot back say ..
now u know d feeling jor .... 
he's insane when drive straight road...
i dont drive fast bcoz i sked my car temperature getting high... 
but after see he drive like this also no prob... hmm ~  ~

reach KL, 
going to makan Pan Mee... 
sei john act pro.. say 9am++  wont jam de la..
take left turn nia... jam like hell =.='' 
no idea lo... me n lastorm kap lui inside car..
he geng... bring a bottle ... just in case want pee..
can pee inside .. LOL..
i saw a chio bu.... drive myvi one.. 
sipek nice..
we somemore wan kacau... 
wan scroll down the windows n chat with them.. haha 

After breakfast..
go check-in hotel first..
3 person room..
its like SO BIG !!! 
top floor .. 1st room..
and it seem like vip room =.='' only one ... 
the building look old but the room so nice ... 

Take a rest inside the hotel... 
see how john sm n rape lastorm =.='' 
Somemore they trying to open the bathroom while im shower-ing..
heng the lock got problem .. if not i think im 
then is my turn to do back john now..
me n lastorm use a car trying to open the door..
but mission failed... 
around 12~1pm++
drive to midvalley..
fuiyoh... so hard to find parking ..
then we go ahead Garden's car park ..
lucky... i break d rules ...
then only can found a parking slot ... 

Sure we heading to mid valley GSC cinema la...
1st day of The Avengers leh... 
bought 3D ..
and then i go arcade there.. 
see can meet alvin or not..
wanna take something from him..
but too bad, he msg me said that he's having lunch with leng lui x.x 

our movie around 2.30pm...
ok lo, walk walk awhile then go for movie..
Well.. nice show... but i fall asleep at the first hour ..
quite many funny scene ..
especiall hulk/captain and thor ... 
and iron man.. imba enuf with his mouth and brain... 

Finish movie, we go makan japanese food..
then shopping for awhile ... 
going back time also around 6~7pm plus jor ... 
Go back to hotel .. take bath and prepare for dinner ... 
going to meet kenny .... 
he introduce us a nice chu cha..
but too bad... 9pm++ they close jor #@$#%@$#@

then jiu go makan hokkien mee and tua pan ..
hmm the hokkien mee, macam hokkien cha ..
but the tua pan .. nice.. ichiban ~  ~
while eating ... wait for one more friend... he take 1 hour++ and still cant find us=.=''
so we went to ming yi's lawyer firm there ...
ask him go there meet up us ...  makan cheese nan there..

walao eh.. sipek nice.. the cheese cukup 99 ..
until now i still cant forget the taste...
its fucking awesome... if SP got.. i wish to eat everyday ..

After supper , 4 of us ... go pia dota at cc ...
pia until 2am++ then only go back hotel..
OTW back, many road was closed edi..
due to tml = BERSIH 3.0 .. 

try to get enough sleep tonight and ready for fight tml ..
Hell Yeah.. Like A Boss ...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Down =.=''

why they still appear in my dream ?
i know something that spoken out, cannot to take back .. 
hurt... it's already hurt u.. i know
i admit its really my fault being stubborn and im really sorry .. 
i just hope that atleast we can become friend ... 
not like stranger ..

9 months ady... 
3 more months then 1 years.. 
so long edi, the anger still there? 
but i guess the scar was there forever ... 
it seem like cant be cure .. 

its really affect me so much ... 
my life ... 
sp ... a full of memories place for me ..
 see back the photo we taken in penang ... 
seoul garden and s.quay photo..
the only photo i left in my disk drive.. 

why i jst rmb all these past ? 
can say, i really had a good times with this frd ... 
a frd that always holding me when i need...
wont let me fall down so easily .. 
giving me advice ... cheer me up ... 
a frd that i can share everything .... 
become the situation like this... nobody want ... 
i blieve that u also sad bcoz of losing a friend ... 
perhaps ... 

this lesson teach me to appreciate everyone beside me... 
control my emotion ... 
i did... 
but, when peoples wan to defame me... i cant control ... 
its really critical hit to defame me to someone that i care.. 
but i know i cant change anything .. i cant even do a thing to make it clear... 

went to event " outing with canon " today.. 
i wonder, will see u there? 
if we r still frds, may be we will go tgt bah ~ 


if a girl defame all his ex when she break up ,
create her own story... 
become 3rd party of frd's love relationship..
she's a good girl ? i jst know one word can describe her... cheap 
you deserved a better one .... 
if  you think its worth that losing a frd that treating u good, 
then ... go ahead.. 
becoz i know there's no point for me to hold back .. 
everything u dont like.. 
then complain ... even family .. pls... be mature..
throw away ur xiu yeah pei hei ... 

i no anymore see d k.m.Rider W edi.. 
i think that, if he throw away... 
it jst a waste... 
im still taking care the stuff that not belong to me .. 
waiting to give back .. 
atleast be steady .. like a man .. and its my responsible .. 

i don't know why recently so many secondary skol frd asking me...
what happen between me n her .. 
i jst tell them , let it lo... i dont care... u know i know lo... 
wtever u guy think bah, i lazy mention about it also ...

i jst felt that why im so stupid ..
treating this frd so good... worth? 
end up what i got? 
haha... really funny .. may be tis is what i owe him whn im in another soul and in another world..
good luck 


facing family prob..
really stress me much..
look at dad having weak body..
always sick now.. 
and someone start her move wanted to grab dad's biz..
even teach dad how to sell car.. =.='' 
bring a lot trouble to us ... 
i dont even dare to take my salary from him.. 
d brain jst thinking how to learn his biz..
how and what can i do then only i can help him.. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

- 26 April 2012 Thursday

- 26 April 2012 Thursday
quite a busy and packed day for me ..
need to finish jpj work be4 4pm and go penang ....
whole day didnt eat for my lunch and breakfast T_T
hungry  ~ ~ ~
by 5pm ... reach penang...
went to new world park ..
makan... cannot tahan edi....
chicken chop and curry mee ^^
eat full full ...
then continue d class at 7.30pm..

Finish class...
rush back sp ...
drop nell at village mall and fly to Ntech ...
have to pick up john to over night at my house ...
be4 that, we had our supper together with Lastorm...

around 12am... home sweet home ~  ~

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

- The day for Happo Event ~

- 20, 21 , 22 April 2012 Friday

fuiyoh... happo event.. =.=''
cant believe that i really join for this event .. 
1st day event... finally  hit my target to 20k event score...
at night...
aiyor... sure gt plan one...
having dinner at 3A western food restaurant ..
1 person sapu 2 meals...
hahah ^^ 

then went some special place...
cont the defense of the ancient .. baby ...
=.='' other ppl think it might be boring ..

but, for me is different... step in cc... can see a few friends edi..
but tonight, back off early abit and go for supper ...
im kinda tired ...
whole noon diao D there jor and night play dota zz

saturday, aiya...
cant play for the event already..
have to join friends for movie ... 
go to sai kao makan with lastorm ... 
he said that the parking fee are expensive...
follow me , rm1 settle... 
before the movie, sure we hanging lepak at arcade ...
lastorm troll... go play time crisis 2 with a chio bu ~  ~ 
somemore lose to chio bu...
the girl are so familiar to the game ... 

wait until tze liang come....
then the movie almost start d.... 
then i pass dd-ice card to tino to help play for the event ...
hope to reach 40k score...

at night he tell me... MCB ... how you play for the event...
when i pass the card to him, the score  at 24k..
he throw rm40.... pass me back the card ... also 24k =.=''
i was like WTF ? O.O!!!
then come out a lesson is : never touch the card that i played... 
will meet master+ rank players...
ok lo .. sunday... pia ....
sit there from 3pm to 6.30pm...
hit until 52k event score...
top2 in MYS ... yea... 
then no36 in world ranking ...

too bad its not using my card..
using dd-ice ... but let other ppl know about him.. good ^^
After this event....
my the most noob suck map..
become instore rank no1..

- 24 April 2012 Tuesday

- 24 April 2012 Tuesday

Today... busy day for work ... 
but it's interesting also ... 
one thing i hate is some bitch is here... 
she trying to take over dad business ... 
start to say office this and that... 
why ? she want money .. 
dad was blind .. listen what she said ...
i wanted she go back kl and dont come kacau us here ...

then? i will be the victim .... keep on back stab me ..
knnaccb ... whole face like cb face..
act pro...
go office time around 4pm++ to 6pm la... 

After work.... fast fast bath then go Ntech to meet up two fellow ..
dota... trololo... 
but just one game playing with them..
i have to cabut at 9pm... 
becoz will have movie with tino and nigel... 
watched My Way.. 

nice show ... it's a meaningful movie... 
but also make me down a bit ... 
it's show that, even an enemy also can become friends if their thinking and 
experience the same thing together .. 
both of them face world war 2 .... 
in the end, both of them transfer their identity ... 
the japanese guy become korean ... 
they are a good marathon runner .... good competitor ...

 hmm... this thursday go penang again...
have to tabao 高佬cha hor fan for mom ^^ 
had tabao for her on monday .... since she so miss this cha hor fan ...
a normal cha hor fan, but its a lot of memories for me ...
thing past has pass ... just the feeling are right there... 
just give a smile and say thanks for your memories ~
15 April 2012 Sunday

argg... a bit flu for this morning ...
damn nell influence me .. T_T
feel lazy to stay away from the bed ...
but have to check-out hotel and meet up friends...
nge nge wake up and go  bath ...

having our lunch together then meet up them for awhile..
last meet up...
then take taxi to pudu raya bus station ...
bought 6pm bus ticket ...

around 11pm++
reach sp..
dad came to sp tol fetch us..
i was thinking ...
im such a useless son..
so late already still want dad to come out n fetch us...
that moment i felt tat i hate myself ..
dad so old already but i still ... haiss ~  ~