Tuesday, April 24, 2012

20th April 2012 Friday

20th April 2012 Friday 
Due to nell n willy over night at my house... we woke up around 6.30am .
prepare ourself ... then do sohai thing in the morning....
finish all these thing,
around 8am...
heading to kl by driving my sis's car ....
aiya, she pregnant, cannot drive fast fast....
wah.. high way jam... speed trap ..
tiok tiao 30mins there=.=''
ah boh can reach kl in 3 n half hrs time...

bring sis go the damansara there ... drop her bag n laptop...
arhhhhh chino .... chino was so excited when saw us....
so cute....
then sis drive us to midvalley....
nell told me, my sis driving skill = godlike... godlike sister.. lolx...
i aso felt that.. imba =.='' scare scare lo...

reaching midvalley, alvin already waiting us right there...
then we go makan makan .....
after makan .... go jusco buy some water and sushi .... 
then 1 thing cannot miss out is ... diao D la ....
i asked alvin where's kent, and seem like he's missing for long time edi..
didnt went to arcade for long time...
after an hour... HE CAME .. LMAO...
wow.. he's like a big surprise face seeing im right here...
After him, moon and brian came... lolx...

Having dinner together at MCD....
jojo and alvin joined us .... because they skip their 6pm class...
After dinner, avk and jojo went to our hotel... take bath together...
and night life begin. ....
brickfield ... buy beer..... buy black label ..... buy coke ...... buy snack ......
walk to footbridge there..... drink there... lolx..
it's around 12am .... and we start drinking there...
singing and dancing right over there...
even foreigner walk pass... aso say some nice words ... like enjoy .... having fun ....
they won't like some other's people in sp, will give u a damn weird feeling ...

under the footbridge... got one foreigner came down from taxi and pee there =.=''
we all looking at him from above.... lmao ~
n avk n nell they two battle see who pee longer =.='' dafuq !!!
willy drunk ...
he start to say nonsense...
what ah neh neh scold u ar...
i no wan drink edi, but still drink ... and i no drunk... im still so fresh...
many funny thing he spoke out ... few of it we record down.. lolx...

me and nell sleep around 4am++
even we suff net... willy aso will scold say why play computer again..
go sleep la.. later ang neh neh come scold u... thn tml cannot wake up go find LYSeng...
me and nell was like O.O??? and Laugh 99 there...

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