Monday, March 7, 2011

命运是注定的, 注定我永远是孤单。。
凡是还是为自己打算吧, 不要算别人进。。 往往事情不会那么顺利。。
really dont understand why the persons we call " friends " they only find you when they need help?
After we helped them they can just ignored you at all and forgot what's your good, what's you helped them before..

By the time we need help, they can just ignored and dont pick up your phone at all. Even a sms or message also dont want to reply you.. what this kind of friend is ?
Somemore its happen to best friends .. WTH ?

They can treat you like that and feel nothing happen ...
Do they still remember what and why we become friends, best friends ? What promise we made together before ?

Emo ? do i ? nop .... im telling the fact, dont being stupid that treating a person that's no blood relationship with you.. human are selfish and coward .

Seriously when i really need help , i need someone to listen to me.. who is right there for me? i wish i could stand up and open my mind and my eyes to make myself clear ..

The generation now is different as past ... They wont talk friendship with you.. they wan goldship .... money contact... no money no talk ...