Saturday, June 21, 2014

I'm fall in love....

20 June 2014

2 weeks ago, met a new friends.. 
The friend teach me a lot .. 
Even scold me wake up ... 
soon later... i found out i fall in love to this friend... 

i draw a chibi photo of this friends... 
thinking of this friend everyday and wish i could keep in touch with d friend... 
The friend also told me that got feeling on me, but we need time to know each other .. 

Recently, i wish i could meet up with this friend again ... 
love to see the way she smile .... making fun with me... 
WW always busy ... so i try not to disturb her when she's working .. 
So i have only way to do when i miss her is read her blog .. 
Listen to her song ... 

But somehow, i got a feeling is im scare to start relationship to her .. 
Because if anything bad happen, we break up.. we might higher chance cant be friend back .. 
I feel glad that i could everyday morning call her to wake up ... 
Asking her not to nua bed... wake up eat breakfast and prepare for work .. 

Still remember the first time i chat with her, i told myself we are impossible and 
i wont fall to her... but ..
Just a few days time ... i keep on thinking of her ... 
May be that time when we chatting via messenger, i feel so warm... 
There're a person willing to listen to me ... 
although sometime she's quite 野蛮 ... But i dont mind ... in other way. i felt she's so cute .. 

I hope i could bring happiness to this friend WW ... 
But too bad she is kinda independent ... 
So i don't know what action should i take ... 
Few day past, i had a dinner with her... 
IM really happy from bottom of my heart ... 
Just only can see-ing her ... and only two of us ... 
sitting inside d car... chatting ... laughing ... manja lai, manja go ... 

3 years ady.. i didn't fall to anyone ..
Just to concentrate on my work and forget my painful past ... 
But, now... 
everytime before i slept... i called her and chat ... 
i could sleep well ... seem like a very good medicine to cure my insomia .... 
May be in this 3 years time.. im really lack of love .... 

I wish i could write down our story .. and remember forever in my life no matter we have happy ending or not.... 

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