Saturday, June 21, 2014

I'm fall in love....

20 June 2014

2 weeks ago, met a new friends.. 
The friend teach me a lot .. 
Even scold me wake up ... 
soon later... i found out i fall in love to this friend... 

i draw a chibi photo of this friends... 
thinking of this friend everyday and wish i could keep in touch with d friend... 
The friend also told me that got feeling on me, but we need time to know each other .. 

Recently, i wish i could meet up with this friend again ... 
love to see the way she smile .... making fun with me... 
WW always busy ... so i try not to disturb her when she's working .. 
So i have only way to do when i miss her is read her blog .. 
Listen to her song ... 

But somehow, i got a feeling is im scare to start relationship to her .. 
Because if anything bad happen, we break up.. we might higher chance cant be friend back .. 
I feel glad that i could everyday morning call her to wake up ... 
Asking her not to nua bed... wake up eat breakfast and prepare for work .. 

Still remember the first time i chat with her, i told myself we are impossible and 
i wont fall to her... but ..
Just a few days time ... i keep on thinking of her ... 
May be that time when we chatting via messenger, i feel so warm... 
There're a person willing to listen to me ... 
although sometime she's quite 野蛮 ... But i dont mind ... in other way. i felt she's so cute .. 

I hope i could bring happiness to this friend WW ... 
But too bad she is kinda independent ... 
So i don't know what action should i take ... 
Few day past, i had a dinner with her... 
IM really happy from bottom of my heart ... 
Just only can see-ing her ... and only two of us ... 
sitting inside d car... chatting ... laughing ... manja lai, manja go ... 

3 years ady.. i didn't fall to anyone ..
Just to concentrate on my work and forget my painful past ... 
But, now... 
everytime before i slept... i called her and chat ... 
i could sleep well ... seem like a very good medicine to cure my insomia .... 
May be in this 3 years time.. im really lack of love .... 

I wish i could write down our story .. and remember forever in my life no matter we have happy ending or not.... 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

4th Feb 2014 Tuesday ~

Heard some frd told me about beh he break up wif his gf ...
kinda shock after heard this news ...
Don't know why, thinking izziz he okay or not ..
So plan to ask him out to chat see see...

At night, we have d time in starbuck ...
he apologize everything to me... and wanted to friend back ...
Bcoz he don't wan to owe people anything ...
So im thinking, you apologize and dont wan owe people bcoz u scare of karma?
or u really bring out the heart to make friends...
If u just want to avoid of karma.. This jst like a selfish attitude...
You are using ur friends... to reach ur goal...
No change... like how he used me to chase a girl...

He say that i being care a lot ...
and i remind back myself ... am i ?
i rmb, in that january .... he almost everyday emo, i as a friend...
should i leave him alone ka? doesnt make sense...
only one way to explain this... is he dnt even appreciate the care...
If he dnt even appreciate... no point i forgiving him ... He dont take the lesson...

He though everyone good to him is a must ...
Sorry friends, this world wont end without you...
no one couldn't live just bcoz without you ...

Come on, be more mature ....
Don't always think urself ...
Think of people's feeling, people's situation ... and own attitude ...
Be frank, i don't want to tell u this is, many peoples come n talk to me..
saying u dnt even have friends in SM ... those who near you, jst want to have ur benefit ..
i remain silent ... I know u that xiu yea pattern wont change... i understand ...
But i still decide friend to you ...

Hope Beh this time, really take this as a lesson and change to be a better guy...
Appreciate... its not just talk on the mouth... Do it... Show it and prove it ...
Suddenly think of the moment he wanted to shake hand with me ...
im blank and dono what to do ... May be in deep of my heart, im still treating him as a friend ...
If not, i wont care a shit about him ...

Friday, January 3, 2014

30th December 2013 Monday Feeling warm and blessed ~

30th December 2013 Monday

Woke up around 7am.. But continue slp back.. too tired ~
Couldn't sleep well last night because someone scare dark and request to open the light ..
no idea, i have to open the light just left top of my head...
and i cant sleep coz the light and suddenly i imagine that if i look to the mirror..
got a girl sitting there with red/white cloth and green face how ...
lolx ...
around 9am, R woke me up and i bath and settle everything within 15mins ..
and then ready to check out our hotel ...

We had our breakfast at BOH TEH garden ..
take a few nice photo there ... and then heading to another place again ...
ermm... the next one bee farm ...
go look bee ...
nothing special ... jst a small place and selling honey ..
sienz.. plus im sleepy ...
Then we go back to penang lo..
drive slow.. remember that R's parents ask me nt to drive so fast...

When arrive penang, we went to eat char koey teow..
RM10 for large ...
lucky they say its delicious .. if not not worth at all ad...
erm.. after makan our lunch ..
we went to 3D art muzium near jetty...
very good and creative place .. but the top floor are too hot already ... it's like sauna inside .

Then we go home, R's dad cook dinner for us..
I'm too pai seh to eat at his house..
but his parents ask me come eat first only go back ...
en.. have to respect people so i stay down and eat together with them..
fuah.. the pork and fried rice... epic delicious ... nvr tried so nice de before...
and also bee hun ... tambah ikan bilis .. a new taste for me .. nvr tried this kind of fried beehun before..

After makan, we sit down at living room and chat there...
His dad are a good talker and also joker ...
and show me to his grandma... his dad say this the tiger .. lao hor.. always fetch R go out one..
two like hia ti kia .. i was little bit shock ...
Don't know why, i felt so warm and wish i could talk like this with my family too ...

Then i go home and take bath ... a short break ...
and packing my thing to go back R's house overnight there again ...
When arrived there, his dad say wah.. my timing so ngam.. now buka durian eat.. come come ..
His dad told us a few knowledge about durian ... and also the worms ... >.<
Tonight, really a good night for me... i sleep well and sweet dream ...
Without worry anything, without worry that i cant woke up in the morning ...
Stay peace.. inner peace.. this is what i needed ....

29 Dec 2013 Sunday Cameron Trip~ ~

29 Dec 2013 Sunday

Not really sleep well last night and woke up myself around 6.45am.
R's parents are already awake and i go take a hot shower and prepare first..
After Ash and Ju wake up... i double check my car, bag, everything ..
and Aunty also bring us a lot of waters and 100 plus...
Both of them praise my english and cantonese speaking not bad ar... siok sei me ^^

Okay, our first destination is butterworth Chao Quan Dim Sum ...
when we otw to butterworth , R say that he forgot to bring out the hotel room reservation voucher=.=''
orz.. .. thn we try to make a phone call to the hotel to reconfirm what should we do.. and what we can ..
Arrive dimsum place, very lucky we can get a car park and seat very fast...
damn R order a lot of foods again =.=''
nvm, can give to Ash and Ju try ....

Finish for the first place, heading to ipoh...
Ipoh eat Toufu Fah and bring the both girls to buy some biscuits ..
well.. the toufu fah really delicious ..
not too sweet, but very soft ...
And then we visit a temple in ipoh when we otw going to cameron highlands...
i saw 关二哥 there... and a big 义 word .. trying to tell him and ask him what should i do...
And there're 许愿池 over there too .. try to make a few wish ... hope everything will go good..

When we arrive Cameron, go to check-in our hotel first...
But too bad we have to wait for 30mins ... the room is not ready yet..
and R he go toilet shit again =.='' more than 4times for today le ...
Then i sit at lobby, thinking some memories i spend at here last time...
After 40mins, we check-in our room and get a short break..
Then heading to Lavender farm ...
Look beautiful ... and fresh air ... Although little bit of rain.... it doesnt matter ..

The whole day im so sleepy and tired... lucky have a short nap after came back from Lavender farm..
and then we prepare to makan steamboat le ..
order steamboat, listen the staff told us got what dish ... i though a lot ..
kinda dissapointed me n R ...
After finish the steamboat..
The girls say, i though u guys are always full table when eating ...
fuah ~ ~ ~ I just started hungry and wanted to eat more after this steamboat..
And im finally awake ... challenge accepted ...
i order large fried sgp bee hun, 1 toufu and 1 vege...
finally... my stomach feel full =w=

Back from steamboat, R went toilet again =.=''
quite worry about his stomach, wondering should bring him to check-up or not ..
A good night that we spend our time in hotel room playing poker game ...
and then sweet dream around 1am++