Tuesday, March 13, 2012

- Life Style ~

The Hello Kitty chocolate... sweet and delicious ..
shared with my sis.. ^^

Running for the event 2 days...
finally ........

Haiz... work, sometime so free, sometime very busy...
4pm+ only eat my lunch...
somemore have to wait until the mee dry ...
but dont care, hungry..... the hokkien mee delicious also...

Hmm.. recently sp always rain...
heavy rain ...
made me feel so lazy wanna stay at house ...
but too bad, mostly every night got date T_T ...
especially weekend , have to plan my schedule nice nice ...
i look so free? nop . i only can say i learn time managing from my work...
have a good planning, u might seem free... but actually have to make appointment when hang out... TROLL ...

I though i will down recently to face something bad happened...
but it's seem like this time is not the hardest for me..
I still can enjoy my life ... keep moving ...
why? may be i already did my best, i really appreciate when we met,
the time we spend together.. ..
now, if situation bcome like this, that's fate..
atleast i did my best already..
No point to make self down and sad...


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