Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to Bloggie


Its seem like i have a long period didnt write about my own life in my blog.
So i create a new blog because i got my new life now in my college and in everyone heart. Think so.. =.=''

Teeth pain for 2 days ... whole night cant sleep just because of this stupiak teeth.

Tomorrow gonna be alone ... why ? The main reason is lou poh lui is going back to hometown and my lap top charger is not here so i cant access to internet and doing my own staff T_T

1 month more my didi gonna fly to UK for studies. As a bro, i really hope he can be more mature and know how to handle his thing himself because no one can help him at UK. But the most important thing is i hope that he will NEVER GIVE UP. Wanna say a words for him that's - im very happy that we can become friends, my guai guai didi in my life LOL.. I hope that i can help him everything that i can help, but not all.. Because i want him to be more independent so that he can be more mature enough in this world.

But i still got another guai didi that's Matthew. I donno why i can forgive what he done to me, may be its just a small matter and he was in stress and confuse that time so that we got a big quarrel. But its ok now already, we still continue back out relationship. Wish Matthew have a good and happy life. ( If he transfer to Penang for studies i think he will be more happy than KL's life )

For last 2 months, i been betray by my best friend. He backstap me to my colleger and they told me what my friend said. I feel very angry and down, somemore wanna ask ppl to gangbang him, but in the end i didnt do that because all of my friend ask me to ignore him because they knew the real me... They knew how is the person i am. Because of these issue happened, i was very down for few weeks and i want to thanks to my friends > carin , stephen > ting hong > aaron > jeffery and hui chuin .... they help me to get out from the darkness's world and help me stand out in the world of fill up with true friendship.

Last week my friends and my darling carin > chui yee > Matthew to enjoy their holiday in SP. Carin n Chui Yee said wanna meet the friend that betray me, in the end i fetch them to cyber cafe for gathering lor. After the gathering i was confuse should i forgive this best friend or not ? It's he still my best friend ? Should i forgive him ? What happen if i forgive him and he done the samething to me again? I cant make a promiss.... I was so scare n tired of this kind of thing happen again.... Its almost one week he said he will explain to the person he told about my bads and promiss will add me on msn after he finish the explaination and want to become my friend again.. I'm waiting .... waiting... and waiting..... but still havent receive any email that trying to add me on msn. Izziz he really want to become friend back ?

1 comment:

  1. aiyorh , don't think too much larh bee :) i will always beside you .. promise ^^
